modoc plateau geology

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The area formed as a series of small island arcs, deep-ocean sediments and mafic oceanic crust accreted to the western edge of North America, producing a series of deep basins and high mountain ranges. From the oldest to the youngest, Georgia's provinces are the Piedmont, Blue Ridge, Valley and Ridge, Appalachian Plateau, and the Coastal Plain. It is a succession of valleys, that in the past were inland lakes, and which follow one another through the county from north to south. In Rome Basin, includes discontinuous layers of poorly consolidated conglomerate characterized by well-rounded, commonly polished pebbles of chert and pebbles and cobbles of quartzite. Free shipping for many products! Most intrusive igneous rocks are tonalite, granodiorite, quartz diorite or gabbro. The eastern portion of the property is underlain by Plio-Pleistocene olivine basalt flows such as those exposed by the falls on Burney Creek (CDMG, 1994). The Peninsular Ranges were never glaciated during the Pleistocene. The soils have a Capability Class rating of IV and are not considered Prime Farmland. The McArthur Swamp and the Glenburn Dredge Site are located within the same regional geographical area and geomorphic province as the McArthur-Burney Falls Memorial Park. Reference: Chorlton, L.B. A small andesitic dome near Marysville is the only example of volcanic rocks in the valley exposed near the surface. An official website of the United States government. This added metavolcanic and metasedimentary rocks to the slowly building Sierras. The oldest rocks in California date back 1.8 billion years to the Proterozoic and are found in the San Gabriel Mountains, San Bernardino Mountains, and Mojave Desert. US 97: Weed-Oregon 294. Borehole Conditions The vault is a horizontal tunnel, located beneath 5 meters of overburden to maintain thermal stability. However some areas are virtually devoid of vegetation, due to deficient nutrient supplies (NRCS, 2000). A few may date earlier, like the 400 million year old Mule Mountain. the structural geology and tectonics of mid-ocean ridges and Icelandin 2011. Following the exchange, Burney Falls and Bowman Ditch will be protected from major construction and other soil disturbing activities by the legal restrictions applicable to State parklands. Modoc National Forest 800 West 12th Street Alturas, CA 96101 (530) 233-5811 Warner Mountain Ranger District PO Box 220 Cedarville, CA 96104 (530) 279-6116 Camping Warren Peak and Patterson Lake The nearest campground is available at Pepperdine Camp, near the trailhead. Unit is present in all counties. Links to Completed Ecoregional Assessments. As described under item (a), while various areas of the project site do consist of unstable soils, there are no facilities proposed as part of the project which have the potential to be impacted by these soils, therefore this is a less than significant impact. Basalt is aphyric to moderately porphyritic with phenocrysts of plagioclase and olivine and exhibits both subophitic and diktytaxitic textures. Location & Geology. There are no septic tanks or wastewater disposal systems proposed as part of this project, therefore this item is not applicable. Oregon white oak (Quercus garryana) woodlands occupy lower elevations near the Columbia River in the central portion of the ecoregion and also the western parts of the Modoc and Upper Klamath Basin sections in the south. Includes Pike Creek Formation of Walker and Repenning (1965), originally identified as Pike Creek Volcanic Series by Fuller (1931), and unnamed volcanic and volcaniclastic rocks of southern Lake County, some of which have been correlated with the Miocene and Oligocene Cedarville Formation of northeastern California, Lava flows, breccia, volcaniclastic and epiclastic rocks mostly of andesitic and dacitic composition; includes minor amounts of altered basaltic rocks. . In places includes interlayers of silicic volcaniclastic rocks and tuffaceous sedimentary rocks. Lava Beds National Monument contains the best examples of these, although numerous locations boast similar features, such as the Ahjumawi Lava Springs. [18]. Over 40 different oil and gas fields are found in association with the Transverse Ranges and their surrounding basins. These include the Britton Silt Loam, 30 to 50 percent slopes and Burney-Arkright Complex, two to nine percent slopes mapping units. Oil was first extracted in 1850 from the Pico Canyon field, close to Newhall with larger-scale production by 1875. The plateau consists of a thick accumulation of lava flows and tuff beds along with many small volcanic cones. Additionally, borate deposited during arid conditions, with mining after 1926. The Modoc Plateau is characterized as a transitional region between the Basin and Range Geomorphic Province to the east and the Cascade Range Geomorphic province to the west and north. The purpose of the Alquist-Priolo Act is to regulate development on or near active fault traces to reduce the hazard of fault rupture and to prohibit the location of most structures for human occupancy across these traces. Geodetic monitoring of transient deformation along the Pacific-North American plate boundary This page integrates daily GPS measurements from ~1500 stations along the Pacific/North American plate boundary, ranging from Alaska to the U.S-Mexico border (click on figure to right). Gas was first consumed in Stockton in the 1850s and the massive Rio Vista gas field was discovered in 1936. May include some rocks of middle Miocene age in the area west and northwest of Lakeview. Before the end of the Oligocene, sea levels rose again leaving behind the Vaqueros Formation and then the Miocene deep water silt and clay of the Rincon Formation. These soils are relatively deep (40 to 60 inches), well drained gravelly loams with moderately slow permeability. The McArthur fault is mapped as trending in a northwesterly direction about three miles northeast of the site between Big Lake and Horr Pond (CDMG, 1994). In some places, ophiolite sequences preserve remnant oceanic crust rock on land, while other parts of the range are intruded with ultrabasic igneous rocks that have serpentinized to peridotite. Statutes such as Section 404 of the Clean Water Act and other federal and state regulations require an erosion and sedimentation control plan prior to major construction. The Modoc National Forest has four obsidian mines in the Warner Mountains near Davis Creek, Calif. on the east side of the forest where it is legal to collect obsidian with a free permit available from the Forest Supervisor's office in Alturas. Major geologic changes began in the Cenozoic with continued continental shelf deposition of shale, sandstone and clay as well as near-shore tropical coal deposits. In Washington and California, less than 2% of the ecoregion had been converted to agricultural or human uses by the early 1990s. Like the Sierra Nevada, the Peninsular Ranges have gentle western slopes and steep eastern faces. Includes Touchet Beds of Flint (1938), deposits of valley terraces of Newcomb (1965), and, in southeast Oregon, basin-filling deposits that incorporate Mazama ash deposits (Qma, Qmp) in the youngest layers, Sand, gravel, and silt forming flood plains and filling channels of present streams. Before a development permit is granted for a site within a seismic hazard zone, a geotechnical investigation of the site has to be conducted and appropriate mitigation measures incorporated into the project design. This project could not have been undertaken without the financial support of The Nature Conservancy's Oregon, Washington and California offices, and the Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife (WDFW). Drillhole data indicate that the plateau surface underlying the volcano has been downwarped by 0.5 kilometer under its center. A .gov website belongs to an official government organization in the United States. . These rocks were likely moved to their current location by the two major faults. The geomorphology of the Sierra Nevada is comparatively recent, dating to as recently as the Quaternary. Gold lodes upstream of the placers were found as well, the largest being French Gulch 15 miles west of Redding. Mercury was first discovered in Santa Barbara County in 1796. The Josephine ophiolite forms the basement of the western Klamath Mountains, with extensive peridotite from the boundary between the oceanic crust and the mantle, as well as chromite and nickel deposits. The soils are moderately to strongly alkaline. Ships from Sacramento, CA. Granite plutons emplaced during the Jurassic and Cretaceous, forming rock units like the Ironside Mountain diorite, which outcrops for 37 miles from the Orleans Mountain lookout tower to the line between Humboldt County and Siskiyou County or the Shasta Bally batholith at Buckhorn Summit west of Redding. As shown, may include some rocks older than Oligocene, correlative with upper parts of unit Tea. Except for being more saline, these latter soils have very similar characteristics as shown in TableVI-1 (NRCS, 2000). Found at high elevations mostly in the Sierra Nevada and Klamath Mountains. 896, p. 1018-1019). The Bowman Ditch is located on soils mapped as the Pastolla Muck, drained, zero to two percent slopes. Platy flow-jointing common. Share sensitive information only on official, secure websites. These flyers, referred to as Geo Gems Notes, address individual parks and describe the geological features they support, explain the geological processes demonstrated by the landforms at the site and their significance, and indicate where to find the sites in each park unit. Includes some Mesozoic rocks. The principal geologic units in the vicinity are volcanic rocks,, which in places are highly permeable, and poorly permeable lake sedimentary deposits, all probably post-Oligocene in age. The Marble Mountain Cambrian quartzite lies unconformably atop Proterozoic granites. Geology. The water erosion hazard on these soils is low, while the wind erosion hazard is moderate, due to the high percentage of silt (refer to TableVI-1). Generalized geology of the world: bedrock domains and major faults in GIS format: a small-scale world geology map with an extended geological attribute database. Occasional lakes, marshes, and sluggishly owing streams meander across the plateau. The Peninsular Ranges are a group of mountain ranges that extend 900 miles (1,400km) from the Los Angeles basin and Transverse Ranges southward the entire length of Baja California. From inside the book . Around Shasta Reservoir are other copper and zinc deposits in the Triassic-age Bully Hill rhyolite. Based on faulting in recent alluvial material, the Surprise Valley fault zone is still active. Sign in with your username (email address) and password. The thick Galice formation slate and metamorphosed greywacke overlie the Josephine ophiolite and likely deposited in a deep ocean environment offshore of the island arc. The vast tableland between the Cascades and the Warners is referred to as the Modoc Plateau. Potassium-argon ages on rocks in unit from southeast Oregon range from about 13 to 16 Ma; lenses of interbedded tuffaceous sedimentary rocks locally contain a Miocene (Barstovian) vertebrate fauna, Plugs and domal complexes of rhyolitic, rhyodacitic, and dacitic composition; includes related near-vent flows, flow breccia, and deposits of obsidian, perlite, and pumice. In addition, the McArthur Swamp area could be affected by regional volcanic events originating within the Mt. However, the Greenhorn Fault system is more active to the south, extending to the Tehachapi Mountains and causing more plateau-like landforms. Select Mineral List Type Golden eagles (Aquila chrysaetos) inhabit a small portion of their historical ranges and are limited in distribution while the peregrine falcon (Falco peregrinus) is making a comeback. Bull trout occur within the ecoregion but their range has been significantly reduced. Glacial till and moraines. Large mammals are emblematic of the ecoregion, which supports populations of elk, blacktail deer, mule deer, bighorn sheep, mountain lions, and black bears. Geologic Guide to the Modoc Plateau and the Warner Mountains: Annual Field Trip Guidebook of the Geological Society of . The Oldest Rocks: The Piedmont and Blue Ridge For your next road trip, replace your tattered, dog-eared copy of the old edition with this gorgeous new volume. [8], The Modoc Plateau is an undulating expanse of Miocene to Holocene basalt law flows at the southwest edge of the Columbia Plateau, covering 10,000 square miles. Soils comprising the Burney-Arkright Complex, two to nine percent slopes mapping unit, occupy smaller areas in the eastern portion of the transfer property and are underlain by basaltic lava flows. [7], The Klamath Mountains formed as small island arc terranes accreted against the coast of North America before and during the Devonian and overlain by newer rocks, deposited from the Cretaceous to modern times. They have a low hazard from water and wind erosion when exposed. Project work may include post fire recovery efforts. [2] The plateau is thought to have been formed approximately 25 million years ago as a southern extension of the Columbia Plateau flood basalts. At mid elevations, there are areas of Douglas-fir and grand fir (Abies grandis) forests to the north, and white fir and Douglas-fir forests to the south. MOD - Modoc Plateau, CA, USA. Alluvium, lake, playa, and terrace deposits; unconsolidated and semi-consolidated. The oldest rocks are found in the San Jacinto and Santa Rosa mountains, with schist and gneiss that may be up to 22,000 feet thick. These rocks are rich in plagioclase, quartz and chlorite mica (which gives them a greenish color) and range up to 25,000 feet thick. The Kern River and San Joaquin River both run in valleys "refilled" with lava. As with the Bowman Ditch, the Ahjumawi Property is located in a seismically active region with numerous, previously referenced faults and volcanoes situated in the immediate vicinity. As deep basins up to one mile deep formed in the Miocene and filled with thick sediments, volcanic eruptions related to the San Andreas Fault led to rhyolite and basalt eruptions. The proposed project involves no earthwork at the Burney Falls, Bowman Ditch, and Ahjumawi Properties. Compared with the Sierra Nevada, rocks from this time period tend be more calcic than silicic. The Western Paleozoic and Triassic Plate is the most common unit of the Klamath Mountains and is up to 50 miles wide at the Oregon state line. Much of the north-eastern part of the state is actively stretching apart, creating numerous faults, all capable of producing earthquakes. In the 1960's, NASA astronauts trained for future moon landings in the pumice fields of the highlands. [21], Geology and geological history of California, San Francisco Bay, San Pablo Bay and Suisun Bay, Mercury and gold mining in the Coast Ranges, "Intro to Geology of the San Joaquin Valley",, This page was last edited on 2 April 2022, at 19:37. Modoc Plateau: Average elevation 1370 m (4500 feet) Predominant rocks: Late Cenozoic volcanics, especially basalts in the Modoc Plateau, andesites and dacites in the Cascades Plate tectonic setting: Andean-style volcanic arc in the Cascades, Basin and Range volcanoes in the Modoc Plateau Most recent eruptions: Lassen, 1914-1921 [4]. With the close-proximity of numerous faults, these sites within the Park could potentially be subjected to ground motion from displacement along any of these local and regional faults. In the Modoc Plateau, Douglas-fir becomes less important, western white pine (Pinus monticola) woodlands dominate many areas, and Jeffrey pine (Pinus jeffreyi) and Washo pine (Pinus washoensis) occur with or replace ponderosa pine. All Rights Reserved. Several Quaternary and Holocene faults are located within a 60-mile radius of the site. Soils of the Cupvar Silty Clay, 0 to 2 percent slopes mapping unit are located in the central portion of the southern half of the site. These disturbances could cause increased dust generation, siltation caused by placement of large aggregate on the waterside of levees, local soil compaction caused by equipment loads, and exposure of mineral soil surfaces to erosion. Gold appears in quartz veins that cut through slate, siltstone and shale originating in the Shasta Bally batholith. Wetlands in the ecoregion are home to many birds including bald eagles, geese, ducks, herons, cranes, rails, and various songbirds. Lava lakes. Second edition. Includes deltaic gravel and sand and gravel bars, in pluvial lake basins in southeastern part of map area. Examples of filled basins included the Los Angeles Basin, the Eel River Basin around Eureka or the 50,000 foot thick sedimentary sequences of the Ventura Basin. It is present on the Washoe North, Washoe South, Lincoln, Clark, Elko, Eureka, Humboldt, Nye South, and Lander County maps. In the Shoo Fly complex, the Bullpen Lake sequence has bedded cherts and cooled pillow lava that closely resembles rocks found on flat-topped offshore volcanic guyots, suggesting a deep-sea origin for the base of the Sierras sometime before the Devonian. One potassium-argon age of about 28 Ma on porphyritic hornblende andesite from Sheep Creek, southwest corner of Union County, indicates in part coeval with unit Tsf. The Modoc Plateau lies in the northeast corner of California as well as parts of Oregon and Nevada. A machinist leased the property and used windmills to get small remaining amounts of oil out. Whipp soils account for approximately 60 percent of these map units, while Cupvar soils account for approximately 25 percent. The western gray squirrel is at-risk within the ecoregion in Washington as it is restricted to two isolated populations, but populations in Oregon and California are more robust. [15] Furthermore, the McArthur Fault bisects the property and is designated as an Alquist-Priolo Fault-Rupture Study Zone. This area lies along the northwestern-most flank of the Sierra Nevada Geomorphic Province. These habitats are a critical part of the Pacific flyway, supporting vast numbers of shorebirds and waterfowl, the densest wintering concentration of bald eagles in the world, and many other wildlife species. Broad valleys occupy the lowlands between the mountain ridges. In addition to the web viewer, the GIS data can be downloaded for further use. Nearly 1,000,000 acres (400,000ha) of the Modoc National Forest are on the plateau between the Medicine Lake Highlands in the west and the Warner Mountains in the east. California s geology makes headlines when faults shift, volcanoes puff steam, and coastal bluffs fall into the sea. The Lost River watershed drains the north part of the plateau, while southern watersheds either collect in basin reservoirs[clarification needed] or flow into the large Big Sage Reservoir, which sits in the center of Modoc County. You'll get a detailed solution from a subject matter expert that helps you learn core concepts. The 7.6 magnitude 1952 Kern County earthquake was one of the most powerful in California in the 20th century. According to available geologic maps from the California Division of Mines and Geology (CDMG), the Modoc Plateau is underlain by Tertiary sediments and recent volcanic rocks that have been block-faulted into north trending ranges, which have resulted in large open valleys. What is this giant ro. Large boulders have often eroded out of moraine deposits, coming to rest a few miles away. Mostly nonmarine, but includes marine deposits near the coast. Condado de Modoc, California, Estados Unidos The northeastern-most county in California with a total area of 4,203.37 square miles, but with a population under 10,000. Locally a late Hemingfordian age indicated by mammalian fauna (Woodburn and Robinson, 1977). The Modoc Plateau is a large volcanic tableland in the northeast corner of the state. By contrast, the Eastern Klamath Plate is made up of limestone, chert and pyroclastic rocks, divided in half by the Trinity ophiolite. These soils are very similar to those discussed for the Bowman Ditch and Ahjumawi Property. Proposal Type: Mandatory Revision Course is being updated for periodic review. The Ventura Avenue field, north of Ventura is one of the largest fields in California, producing since 1903. Surface fault rupture is not necessarily restricted to the area within an Alquist-Priolo Zone. Most of these wetlands have been drained and converted to agriculture. In the late 20th century, enough gold was found in association with the mercury, arsenic, tungsten and thallium to open the McLaughlin mine in the Mayacmas Mountains around Knoxville. With the exception of some metasedimentary and metavolcanic rocks, most rocks in the Peninsular Ranges are igneous and Jurassic in age, dating to the time of the Nevadan orogeny. These basins steadily filled with sediment, with one famous example preserved as the Great Valley beds in the Coast Ranges. Major Pierson Reading found gold in 1848 in the Trinity River near Douglas City. Rhyolite volcanic ash buried other streams during the Oligocene forming tuff that early miners need to dig through to get at placer gold, and many old buildings in the region are made of blocks of tuff. The Bowman Ditch and adjacent area are underlain by Quaternary lacustrine deposits composed of alluvial sediments derived from volcanic materials, water-lain ash deposits, and local diatomaceous detritus (CDMG, 1968). The Upper Klamath Basin and the Modoc Plateau are large land forms that characterize the southern portion of the ecoregion. Most of the gold historically mined in California originated in the Mother Lode belt, located in the foothills of the western Sierras. Nearly 1,000,000 acres (400,000 ha) of the Modoc National Forest are on the plateau between the Medicine Lake Highlands in the west and the Warner Mountains in the east. The Golden State includes both the highest and lowest point in the continental US and practically every conceivable geological feature known. They have a low erosion hazard from water when bare and a moderate hazard from wind erosion. Its main production ran from 1892 to the 1940s, supplying lubricating oil for other refineries. Subalpine fir (Abies lasiocarpa), mountain hemlock (Tsuga mertensiana) and Engelmann spruce (Picea engelmannii) are found at higher elevations, with mountain hemlock replaced by Shasta red fir in the Upper Klamath Basin. Thick Pliocene marine rocks up to 14,000 feet thick are found on the edges of the Santa Clara River Valley and parts of the San Fernando Valley, stretching to Fillmore. The Coast Range is at even higher risk for damaging landslides than other parts of coastal California due to sheared serpentinite in Franciscan basement rocks. Therefore, the transfer would not expose people or structures to potential substantial adverse effects, including the risk of loss, injury, or death. Fossils are common in the marine rocks of the Pacific Beach and Mission Bay formation around San Diego. The San Onofre Breccia also formed during this period with distinct glaucophane schist, gabbro, limestone and greenschist. The Lava Flows-Gassaway Complex, 2 to 15 percent slopes map unit is found along the northeastern shoreline of Big Lake at the northeastern edge of the site. Thick sequences of marine rocks from the Late Cretaceous through the Paleocene and Eocene are common in the mountains and on San Miguel Island. Additionally, the banks of the levees could experience localized landslides and slumps. The southern portion of the McArthur Swamp property is comprised of numerous soil mapping units, which include the Cupvar, Whipp, Pittville, Dugan, and Graven soil series. The movement of the San Andreas Fault and Garlock Fault helped to induce arid conditions during the Cenozoic. Its landform is volcanic table land ranging from 4,000 to 6,000 feet above sea level, cut by many northsouth faults. These soils are classified as having a moderate shrink-swell potential[1] and are classified as having a Capability Class rating of IV, due to the high hazard of erosion and they are not considered Prime Farmland. True. Hot springs including San Jacinto, Eden, Saboba and Gilman are active in the San Jacinto Mountains due to the presence of the San Jacinto fault zone and Elsinore was founded on its hot springs. Abstract. [3], Forested areas of the plateau include Ponderosa Pine (Pinus ponderosa), as well as other tree species such as California Buckeye (Aesculus californica). Most of the ares sits at an elevation of between 4,000 and 6,000 feet. The Rocky Ledge fault trends northwesterly about three miles to the south of the transfer property (CDMG, 1994).

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