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Ch1 (A Pau'an Hybrid - P1) - The Grand Inquisitor knows it is his job to eliminate force sensitives, but he didnt expect the youngling to be a Pau'an Hybrid. He then looks back to the man he was told died eighteen years ago, "Anakin Skywalker? When Kanan discovered this, he argued with Rex whether Ezra's future lay as a soldier or Jedi, which Ezra responded that if that's how it's gonna go, he'll wish to be neither. Zeb did not believe in prophecies, however, nor did he believe in a future for his people. Breaking Down the Peter Pan & Wendy Trailer. Danny is tasked with defeating the Hand and protecting a sacred power from Emperor Palpatine's grasp. Sabezra. The other crewmates agreed to that idea, and Hera reluctantly turned the ship about to flew alongside the creatures. They then escaped two 614-AvA speeder bikes, which exploded due to faulty engines. Nov 21, 2022, . When Ezra asked Fenn when Sabine would return, he cautioned patience. Frankie Morales Ezra was later woken up by Chopper, who slapped him out of unconsciousness. She was prepared to open fire in order to draw them away, but Kananobjected as they could not waste their fire-power and advised to let them pass, but she remained insistent. After Imperial reinforcements arrived from inside the prison, Ezra ordered his team to jump onto the Ghost's hull while it flew under the platform, allowing the group to escape the planet. When Kanan chided Ezra for beating him to the punch, Ezra reassured him that he would get another chance now that Kallus was working with them. Kanan can't do anything to save his Padawan from himself. They returned to Ryder's hideout only to find a group of Stormtroopers arresting Ryder and Chopper, so Ezra and Kanan, still in their Stormtrooper disguises, offered to take them back to prison. A tentacle grabs Thrawn and begins to constrict him. Once the spirits had departed, Ezra briefed Kanan and Sabine about his encounter with Maul. (Currently finished), Ch2 (A Lasat Vers1 - P1) - The Bridgers were travelling outside their homeworld of Lasan when the Empire arrived, so when his parents were murdered for rebelling, Ezra assumed he was the only Lasat left. When Ezra tried to touch the Darksaber, Maul chastised the youth and told him that his Mandalorian friend could provide him with more information on the Darksaber's significance. As planned, Ezra gave the device to Chopper, who then passed it Sabine and Zeb so that they could transmit the coordinates of the kyber crystal to Kanan and Hera, who managed to intercept and destroy the Imperial convoy transporting it. There, the three travelers spotted a large pyramidal Sith Temple in the distance. Working together, the rebels and Separatist droids decided to delay the advancing Imperial AT-AT and AT-DP walkers. The Ghost crew watched in pride as he departed with his rebel cell, and Ezra thought in his head on how well he restored an even better relationship between father and daughter, bringing new loyalty and respect for each of the two. After showing her the Darksaber, Sabine introduced her mother Ursa Wren to Ezra and Kanan; Ezra's effort to be friendly resulted in guns being drawn. Enraged, Sidious set his Royal Guards on Ezra, who managed to defeat them using fragments of the temple. A U-Wing Starfighter crewed by Gerrera and one of his Partisans arrived with explosives to destroy the array, and took Sabine, Ezra, and Chopper along for another mission. When Kanan and Rex awoke, Ezra attempted to claim that they were knocked out in a massive fire fight, but Chopper played a holographic recording of what really happened. Finally, they were able to pick up a transponder signal coming from one of the Geonosis' moons, Bahryn, and headed there to find Zeb coming toward them nearby, having just worked with Kallus to survive its cold conditions. Joined by Chopper, the group of four took the Phantom II to Krownest, Sabine's ancestral home, with Ezra being surprised by how nervous Sabine was about returning home. He was IC-13. While Chava and Gron elected to stay behind on their new home, Zeb decided to return to the Ghost resolving to bring more Lasat to Lirasan as he, Ezra, and their rebel companions departed via a safe route that Hera had plotted through the star cluster. While Chopper babysat Alora, Zeb went to intercept the courier droid before the Inquisitors could get their hands on Pypey and recovered him just as they pursued. We will each be challenged. Ezra thanked Hera for sharing this information and returned to his bunk to view a hologram of his parents. While we've done our best to make the core functionality of this site accessible without javascript, it will work better with it enabled. Rex, Kanan, and Zeb refused to fight but Ezra saw an opportunity to obtain the proton bombs that the Rebellion was after. However, Kalani refused to accept victory on the grounds that the dilapidated state of his droid forces had prevented a fair fight. Max Ph [ Story Of Revenge ] While approaching the Sith Temple, Ezra and his mentors stumbled upon an ancient battlefield from the Great Scourge of Malachor, littered with fallen lightsabers and the statue-like corpses of the belligerents. Unfortunately, Sabine discovered that Wolffe had secretly contacted the Empire and hidden Ahsoka's communications with the clones. Ezra was separated from his companions, who pursued the Eighth Brother. His disappearance at the end of the series left fans dying for his live-action debut, which will reportedly come with the release of Ahsoka in 2023. "I think you broke him, Ezra." After receiving a transmission from Ryder about an improved TIE Defender, the Ghost crew managed to infiltrate the planets defenses with help from Vizago. Sabine, Zeb, Kanan, and Hera go looking for him. The rebels soon discovered that another Mandalorian faction had attacked the Protectors and slaughtered them. Fortunately, after Saxon revealed his intent to wipe out Clan Wren as he had the Protectors, Rau-who had remained hidden at Kanan's urging-intervened and returned Ezra and Kanan's lightsabers, which he had recovered. Work Search: Hera forbids the team from attempting a rescue mission for Kanan, due to advice from Fulcrum. After Kanan and Ezra returned from Malachor everything was different, especially Ezra. Rau told him that the Mandalorians had fought for centuries. Dropping down from the Phantom with Leia in tow, Ezra and Kanan took on Lyste and his men while the other rebels unlocked two of the secured ships and took off in them, knocking the supply master out cold. (Will be continued). The ship and its TIE Interceptor flight partners decimated Gold Squadron, leaving only Ezra and Gold Leader in flight as they tried to get the Ghost through the Archeon Pass. Ezra also sought to discover the key to destroying the Sith. He flirted with Sabine and pranked Zeb, but with his jokey attitude he hid from the others what he really felt about his parents, because he didn't trust people easily. After the defeat on Malachor Ezra uses the Sith holocron out of the fear that he will never be enough. Master and Padawan Star Wars: Rebels A.U. READ: Star Wars Writes Off Gina Carano Mandalorian Character. What if Maul blinded Ezra instead of Kanan? Ezra, eyes now opened to Saw's lack of ethics, took them with him, Sabine, and Chopper as the Ghost arrived to pick them up. While Chopper befriended them, the rebels flew back to Lothal with the intention selling the stowaways along with the disruptors to Vizago, but unknown to them, the Alderaanian senator Bail Organa sent the two droids on the same secret mission to prevent the T-7 s from falling into Imperial hands. When Ezra refused, the former Sith killed the Seventh Sister and then admonished Ezra for his hesitancy; warning him that it could cost him or his friends their lives next time. With reinforcements bound to show up, the crew began the return trip back to theGhost. After her ID9 seeker droids incapacitated Chopper, the Sister lured Ezra and Sabine into a hallway. He was born on Empire Day in 19 BBY to Ephraim and Mira Bridger. English Version! It's okay; nothing can hurt you now. Shortly later, the rebels were contacted by Hera. With Chopper, they headed to Section A2 only to discover that Thrawn had stationed sentries there. Of how the crew bonds through tough or sad moments in there life. Ezra began to notice something that he could not figure out when the Purrgil changed direction and flew away from theGhost, and suggested they follow them, but Hera objected. While Sabine and Chopper continued the mission and reached a truce with Ketsu, Ezra evaded the Stormtroopers and made his way back to the Ghost. Upon the initial release of Star Wars: Rebels, fans could not stand the whiny and egotistical Ezra Bridger. Ezra and his comrades were present when Kallus praised the rebels for reprogramming the Imperial Infiltrator Droid EXD-9 into an improvised bomb. Fearing Thrawn's imminent return, Ezra reached out and assembled what allies he could, including Rex and his fellow clones, Ketsu, Hondo, Melch, and Kallus. The mission, however, took longer than expected due to the high level of security at the Academy but Ezra managed to secure one more day rebel colleagues. He stared at the burning ruins of Capitol City on Lothal. Once aboard the Ghost, Ezra tried to tell Hera about the Phantom but the captain was preoccupied with getting the ship to safety. When Yoda asked him why Ezra should become a Jedi, he claimed it would allow him to become powerful enough to make the Empire suffer for everything it had done to him. Upon opening the cell, Ezra and his team learned that Hondo had an Ugnaught companion named Terba, who had been the original source of his information. A noose restricted his airways, gradually tightening with the purpose of strangulation ; Ezra hoped it'd kill him. As he puts his bike near the side of his tower, he takes the elevator up and walks into his 'room'. Fortunately, the pair were able to employ their Proton torpedoes to disable the Imperial ships, allowing them and the Ghost to escape. Ahsoka remained dead for nearly two years before Ezra walked the World Between Worlds and discovered a way to revive the talented Jedi. Unable to break through their deflector shields, Ezra proposed collapsing a catwalk on them. However, Saxon did not believe Ezra and fired shots around Chopper to force his cooperation. When Saw harshly questioned the Geonosian about what the Empire was doing on Geonosis, Ezra objected to his aggressive methods and befriended the Geonosian, whom he nicknamed Klik-Klak. Ezra chose Maul on Malachor, but he's still conflicted. However, before they could make their escape, Ezra began to sense a cold feeling. The figure, or as Ezra chose to call him, The Toy Maker, sat, with one leg over the other, on a cushioned chair as he watched Ezra wheeze, and drank from a steaming cup. The two discussed their disagreement about the Sith holocron and the significance of their mission to Malachor. When Hera had to be hospitalized, Ezra did his best to comfort Sabine when she started blaming herself for their friend's injuries and vowed to seek justice against the Protectors. Per his temporary Inquisitor roommates request, Tristan is transferred to Nur alongside him. The Phoenix Squadron believed they could steal that ship and use it to house all of their fighters.

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