northwest middle school dress code

caesars 5x tier credits 2021

8. We will all intentionally focus on empowering our students to reach their maximum potential by embracing opportunities and challenges while cultivating a tradition of distinction in education. People with this skin disease can cause the bumps to spread to different parts of their body by touching or scratching a bump and then touching another part of the body. However, if the parent cannot or will not provide transportation, an alternate disciplinary procedure will be substituted. Must pass language, math, science and social studies with a grade of 60 or above. Should schools not be closed when severe weather or emergency conditions exist, the judgment of parents, regarding their children's exposure, will be respected. The Rankin County School District agrees to implement the following statutory requirements in schools currently being served as school-wide Title I schools: 1. Several laws protect the rights of English Learners (ELs) and their families, particularly during the enrollment process. Click to view the long form of the civil rights notices Kindergarten5th A Certificate of Immunization Compliance (Form 121) or a Certificate of Medical Exemption shall be on file on each student enrolled. If a user believes a site is unnecessarily blocked, the user should submit a technology work order to review the site. (ASCA). 1. Kindergarten12th This plan must also include: the name and purpose of the medication, severity of asthma condition (mild, moderate, severe), the prescribed dosage, the time(s) the medication can be administered, any special circumstances regarding administration of the medication, steps to take in the event of an emergency or life threatening event, and the length of time for which the medication is prescribed. When a student does not turn in an assignment prior to the end of a term, a grade of zero may become part of the average for that term. All of the staff have been working very hard to prepare for the return of our Kind, Motivated and Successful (KMS) students and we look forward to meeting our new sixth grade students! Failure to comply will result in TRANSPORTATION: Students will be afforded the privilege of bus transportation daily to and from the Alternative School. ; Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973; Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964; Title IX of the Education Amendments of 1972; Title II of the Americans with Disabilities Act; Section 921 of Title 18 of the US Code. The principal shall have the right to deny visitation rights to any individual if in the judgment of the principal the visit might negatively affect the classroom procedures and/or might endanger public health. LEGAL REFERENCE: Goss v. Lopez, 419 U.S. 565 (1975). Each student will respect the health and safety of others and will refrain from: 1. smoking or using; possessing on their person, in their automobile or vehicle, or in their locker; or transmitting tobacco, electronic cigarettes, vapors, spice on campus or at extracurricular activities. We also share the deep concerns of our community about the current treatment of migrants and asylum seekers, especially minors, at the U.S. Mexico border, and deplore the use of family separation as a tool of immigration policy aimed at deterring people seeking safety. Appeals not granted by the schools Teacher Support Team will be reviewed by a District Attendance Committee composed of teachers and administrators at the end of each semester. For purposes of this policy, educational property shall include any public school building, bus, public school campus, grounds, recreational area or athletic field in the charge of the principal or other premises and/or buildings being occupied or used by Rankin County School District for school related purposes and/or extra-curricular activities on-campus or off-campus or ceremonies associated with Rankin County School District. Therefore, this policy governs only the use and possession of performance-enhancing and illegal drugs or alcohol by students participating in certain extra-curricular activities. School Dress Code Examples. If the testing laboratory has reason or suspicion to believe that the sample taken from such Voluntary Student has been adulterated or has been tampered with so as to affect test results, the testing laboratory shall deem it a refusal to submit to a drug test. 5. Summative assessments shall also be used to measure a students progress toward or degree of accomplishment relative to stated goals and objectives (standards) for a subject. endobj Student transferring from a private school that is not accredited regionally or by the State will be required to pass any end-of-course test in any course in which the school accepts Carnegie units earned by the student as fulfilling requirements for a diploma. We are excited to have you and your student as part of our Kidder Nation. Florence, MS 39073 6. Automobile Use (JGFF) The School Counselor will complete a summary sheet for the student which includes the following data: a. The principal or designee shall make a prompt due process investigation of the misconduct reportedby the bus driver and, based upon the information developed through this investigation, administersuch disciplinary action as deemed appropriate. To alert students with possible substance abuse problems to the potential harms that drug use poses for their physical, mental and emotional well-being. Principal:Keith Reed Students bringing a firearm upon school property shall be expelled for a period of not less than one year, except when the Superintendent modifies such expulsion requirements for an individual student in accordance with special education or disability laws or court decision or act of the legislature or the legal opinion of the Board attorney based upon the given facts, circumstances, or laws. Users should remember that online activities might be monitored. Parents/guardiansmay waive the five day waiting period and request earlier testing, if possible. Los estudiantes que decidan no seguir estas reglas se les pedir que se cambien el estilo de pelo. 2. Step 9 To exit EL status, students must achieve proficiency on the state-designated ELPT as defined by MDE. Any person having inquiries concerning Hazelwood's compliance with the regulations implementing Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 (Title VI), Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 (Section 504), or Title II of the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990 (ADA), may contact the Assistant Superintendent for Human Resources. The person to whom an RCSD network account is issued is responsible at all times for its proper use. The superintendent will take such action only after consultation with transportation, emergency management, weather authorities or other agencies as necessitated by the circumstances. UTA Free Bus and TRAX Passes for Students Sep 14 2022 12:06 PM % Offering parent workshops on a variety of topics specific to each program such as literacy, child development, drug and alcohol issues, arts education, and technology integration. This allows students to select a minimum of three of the five meal components for their lunch and it must include a fruit or vegetable. The nature and extent and written opinion of professional counseling and/or treatment undertaken by the student with regard to a particular unacceptable behavior associated with the infraction; 11. If funding is available, this report shall include quantitative as well as qualitative analysis of the program and shall include the perspective of students, teachers, and parents/guardians. Critics argue this criminalizes culture, and can lead to a system where students of color are getting disciplined more for dress code violations. District employees shall submit statistical data to the State Department of Education regarding compulsory attendance violations and student attendance in the manner prescribed by that agency. Rankin County School Districts Child Nutrition Department offers My Payments Plus to the parents throughout the School District. The grade received from the institution will become a permanent part of the college transcript and the cumulative college GPA. No school banking information should ever be disclosed by individuals to anyone outside the district. stream Upon notification or discovery by the school district that an enrolling student has been expelled or threatened with expulsion from any public or private school or is party to a potential expulsion proceeding, the principal may deny enrollment or admission until the Superintendent (or his designee) has reviewed the students cumulative record and disciplinary notes and complete disciplinary files of the previous public or private school, to be immediately provided by the students or his/her parent or guardian, and determined to his/her satisfaction and discretion that the student does not constitute a potential threat to the safety of self or others or has participated in successful rehabilitative efforts or requirements of the previously attended school and the Rankin County School District. Any rash 72 associated with symptoms such as trouble breathing, swallowing, fever, or ill appearance should be evaluated by your childs physician immediately. The Board recognizes that regular attendance is important if students are to attain maximum benefit from the educational process and develop good work habits that carry over into their adult life. 10.exposing ones self sexually by the removal of clothing or the wearing of see through clothing or clothing that is otherwise inappropriate or which might jeopardize the enhancement of the educational process or learning environment. In addition, the Rankin County School District will provide additional services to the parents and community through the school year. This protocol is to be in effect for all illegal drugs with the exception of marijuana. Legal Reference: Mississippi Code Ann. When possible or appropriate, parents and students should be notified of general activities of a student considered to be inappropriate on buses. Obtain assignments before scheduled absences and. Offering each parent in the district the opportunity to provide feedback to the school and district staff on program activities and parental engagement plans. Ph . Many illnesses can be stopped before they spread by reminding everyone to practice frequent hand washing, blowing noses into tissues, covering mouths when coughing or sneezing, and asking other parents about sick symptoms in their kids before arranging play dates and carpools. Each school providing instruction or any other presentation on human sexuality in the classroom, assembly or other official setting shall be required to provide no less than one (1) weeks written notice thereof to the parents of children in such programs of instruction. Completion of a student information profile/emergency card. DIRECTIONS TO SET UP AN ACCOUNT ON MY PAYMENTS PLUS: On the web, type, Follow the on-screen instructions to create an account, Add your student(s) using their Student ID number. Principal:Lindsay Starbuck Fax:601.845.2114, FLORENCE HIGH SCHOOL The users right of possession and use is limited to and conditioned upon full and complete compliance with this agreement, the RCSD Technology Handbook policies, and all District policies and procedures. 4. Cabello/Pelo: Los estudiantes de Northwest no pueden tener diseos en la cabeza. Click on the link above to watch the video. This policy is implemented in part for the safety and protection of the students, teachers, employees and invitees of this school district and their general welfare and to enhance the educational environment and atmosphere. The district shall make an initial determination of whether a student diagnosed with dyslexia meets the eligibility criteria under the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA) to have an Individualized Education Program developed and to receive services. 7:00 PM. Students are therefore warned in advance by this policy and otherwise not to store items in these school owned lockers or cabinets which they do not want to bring to the attention of school or law enforcement authorities, or which may be illegal, dangerous or in possible violation of school board policy or school rules. Is administered by a professional testing laboratory employed by the District. Developing appropriate roles for community-based organizations and businesses, including faith-based organizations, in parental engagement activities; and. Florence, MS 39073 This will include any online homework, lab fees, etc. We are looking forward to a terrific school year! Legal Reference: MS Code 37-23-173 through 37-23-181; Mississippi Department of Education Gifted Program Regulations. Each student will be responsible for providing a positive, safe, and healthy educational environment for others by maintaining order, self-discipline, and having consideration for the rights and property of others. 4. Co-curricular and extracurricular activities will be an integral part of the total educational program of the district. This is not intended to be an exhaustive list. Safety, health, sanitation, individual dignity, respect for the educational process, and a non-disruptive learning environment provide the basis for the dress code. Makeup opportunities for students with excessive absences and / or tardies will be arranged in a way deemed appropriate by the school administrator. 4. Students will not be permitted to change schedules without the approval of the principal and parents. Transportation is the responsibility of the parent and/or student. The child was legally enrolled in school for a minimum of four weeks in the previous state. Fax:601.893.0111, FLOWOOD ELEMENTARY SCHOOL Skin to skin contact with others should be avoided to prevent the spread of infection. Random Selection Basis means a mechanism for selecting Activity Students for drug testing that: Results in an equal probability that any Activity Student from a group of Activity Students subject to the selection mechanism will be selected, Does not give the District discretion to waive the selection of any Activity Student selected under the mechanism, and. They also help middle schoolers know what they are wearing everyday :). Dress Code- GCS Dress Code Policy. Teachers may request and principals may require attendance of a counselor or other personnel at scheduled conferences. (d) Searches based upon reasonable suspicion may include, if school authorities think advisable under the circumstances , a frisk or pat-down of student clothing. D. A virtual reality device The program will be offered to eligible students in each attendance zone with participation elective on the part of the student and parent. 3. Click here for Spanish. The Rankin County School District may require any student to submit to a drug and/or alcohol test if there is reasonable suspicion that the student has or is using prohibited drugs and/or alcohol. The Teacher Support Team will then schedule a meeting with the parent(s) regarding the students attendance. Dual enrollment/dual credit is a program that allows high school students to earn academic and career and technical college credit toward a postsecondary diploma at their local high school while also receiving high school credit. Results in an equal probability that any Voluntary Student from a group of Voluntary Students subject to the selection mechanism will be selected. Based on Mississippi State Board of Education policies related to virtual instruction, students participating in virtual learning will be provided daily synchronous/interactive instruction, as well as asynchronous instruction, as appropriate, and may be required to login to the online classroom for each class/block in order to establish face-to-face contact for attendance purposes. 2. The District official conducting the investigation or the superintendents designee shall notify the victim and parents as appropriate when the investigation is completed and a decision regarding disciplinary action, as warranted, is determined. 408 S. College Street Cross Reference: Policy IAC Virtual Learning Days, LEGAL REFERENCE: MS Code 37-13-91 as amended by House Bill 1530, Regular Session 2013; Board of Trustees of the Pascagoula Municipal Separate School District v. An explanation of student rights and responsibilities. Except as provided for above or by law, the students right to be present on the campus and attend classes will not be suspended, except for reasons relating to the health, safety and well-being of the student, other members of the school community or school property, or unless said students presence poses a potential threat of disruption or potential danger of or disruption to the educational process or learning environment, as determined in the sole discretion of the County Superintendent of Education or designee. Tier 1: Quality classroom instruction based on Mississippi Curriculum Frameworks, 2. IV. Be respectful toward the bus driver and all other students. endobj Public Conduct Policy (EBA) Possession of illegal drugs, prescription drugs for which student does not have a prescription, alcohol containers or drug paraphernalia. All records which contain personally identifiable data, other than directory information and materials necessary to daily instruction, shall be maintained and stored in a secure and fire resistant container or location. Consequences for any user who fails to comply with RCSD and school guidelines may include paying for damages, denial of access to technology, detention, suspension, expulsion or other remedies applicable under the school disciplinary policy, and state or federal law. Gloves shall be worn when it is reasonably anticipated that the employee may have hand contact with blood, mucous membranes, non-in-tact skin, and other potentially infectious materials. Favor de leer comunicaciones acerca de estos dias especiales. Internet/Technology Acceptable Use Policy (IJBB) Students displaying interest, involvement, or affiliation with a gang shall be subject to disciplinary action and will be encouraged to seek involvement in authorized school organizations to enhance self esteem and promote activity that can have a positive impact on the student. Should pass 70% of the district objectives in language arts and math. These grades will be considered in future scholarship applications. The Rankin County School District will use the ELPT and standardized assessment results for exiting ELs from program services. Meals cost cannot be charged in the cafeteria. The School Board hereby authorizes principals to charge reasonable fees, but not more than the actual cost, for the following categories: 1. Developing a Strategic Plan for each school that includes strategies for increasing parental/community engagement. Clothing in grades 5-12 shall not be excessively low or loose fitting in front, back, under the arms, or around the waist, so as to reveal the chest, the entire shoulders, the mid back area, or lower body areas. A signed affidavit from the students parents/guardian stating they have adequate coverage of their own for their child will be a suitable substitute for coverage under the student insurance program. No student may be permitted to leave school before the regular hour for dismissal without the prior approval of the principal. In selecting the salutatorian, if the second highest grade point average after the valedictorians average is determined is the same or is a difference of less than .03, then co-salutatorians will be named. Where the evidence is presented in writing, he will have the right to see and refute such written testimony. Pelahatchie, MS 39145 The confidentiality officer shall participate in those training programs sponsored by supportive agencies which will increase management competency. Illegal Drugs means any substance that an individual may not sell, possess, use, distribute or purchase under either federal or Mississippi law. 9. Click here to view immigration frequently asked questions, Resolution for the Protection of Children. Students will normally progress annually from grade to grade. The parent/guardian consent for medication(s) at school and the physician order for the medication must be kept on file for a period of one full year. Please refer to the following guidelines when trying to determine if your child should stay home or go to school when sick. Nothing in this policy is intended to prejudge the education received by a student in any non-accredited school, but only to assure maintenance of educational standards within the District. Avoid touching the screen with pens or pencils. However, if the students level of marijuana metabolites increases during this removal period,this finding is to reflect a second positive and the student is to be immediately placed in the Alternative School for two nine-week periods and will be removed from extracurricular activities for a calendar year. Expulsion is the denial of school attendance for any period in excess of ten (10) school days sequenced consecutively. Final grades may be weighted for Grades 9-12 if a student is enrolled in the following courses: Advanced Placement courses = 1.10 x grade, Dual Enrollment/Dual Credit Courses = 1.10 x college grade (College grade must be a C or higher to qualify for the weight. GIFTS AND BEQUESTS TO SCHOOL DISTRICT/DONATED ASSETS. Both the permanent record and cumulative folder shall be available to school officials, including teachers within the district who have a legitimate educational interest in the pupil. The above conduct constitutes bullying if that conduct interferes with a student's education or substantially disrupts the operation of a school. The school district will put into operation programs, activities and procedures for the engagement of parents in all of its schools with Title I, Part A programs, consistent with section 1116 of the Elementary and Secondary Education Act (ESEA).

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