caltrans lane closure charts

caesars 5x tier credits 2021

If the contractor requests usage of alternative temporary crash cushion modules, verify that their proposed modules are on the Authorized Material List for Highway Safety Features. The change order that authorizes the extra work should reflect these costs. A TMP is a program of activities for minimizing or alleviating work-related traffic delays through traffic-handling practices and strategies. Verify barricade construction complies with Section 12-3.10, Barricades, of the Standard Specifications and sheet A73C, "Delineators, Channelizers, and Barricades," of the Standard Plans. Changes to any of these plans may alter the need for temporary crash cushion modules. The resident engineer must email service requests, daily reports, cancellation forms, and tracking spreadsheets to the COZEEP coordinator on a monthly basis. Establishing continuity is especially necessary if previous traffic shifts have created confusing or conflicting diagonal joints and have eradicated pavement markings. LAKESIDE. For example, a project that will occur Monday through Thursday for the next week would require only one task order. The contractor will not be able to access projects in LCS after the completion date. Consider these details: Before making a decision to approve a change order that would result in a prolonged ramp closure, weigh the results of the study with factors, such as construction costs, travel costs, delay, and safety. The following guidelines are for measuring and paying for various traffic control devices for construction areas. Verify that no fixed objects, such as cabinets or poles, will reduce the path width at any point. Do not exceed the maximums shown in the requirements listed in Section 4.3, Accessibility Design Standards, of Design Information Bulletin Number 82-06. Based on traffic counts, the district traffic operations office determines times for closures and for night work. Consider placing supplemental tapers within an existing closure. Where the prevailing speed of the approach is limited by alignment, the design speed should be equal to the prevailing speed of the approach roadway. Verify the contractor offsets the approach end of Type K temporary railing by 15 feet minimum from the edge of an open traffic lane, according to Section 7-1.04 Public Safety, of the Standard Specifications. Pay special attention to the aiming of the sign whenever solar-powered signs are used. CHP policy and the COZEEP agreement require that a sergeant or higher ranked officer be assigned to oversee COZEEP officers if there are more than 4 officers assigned to a project. A planned lane closure list for an entire route within California Total # of Existing Lanes The number of lanes on a freeway, highway or surface street Abbreviations Hwy Highway NB,EB,WB,SB Northbound, Eastbound, Westbound, Southbound S/O South of Closure ID Closure ID # Closure Identification Number. Systems affecting traffic in both directionsInstall the first sign drivers will see traveling in the opposing direction. When it is not possible to maintain a width of 60 inches, provide a 60-by-60inch passing space at least every 200 feet to allow individuals in wheelchairs to pass. According to the Authorized Material List for Signing and Delineation Materials, 0.5 inch Intelplast Intelcel or similar material is authorized and according to FHWA Work Zone Letter 85 from the FHWAs Safety Program website, this type of sign substrate is authorized for use on Type 3 barricades. Do not allow the use of nonretroreflective portable signs during hours of darkness. The activities would, therefore, cause the closure to remain past the time allowed in the closure charts. If it becomes necessary to cancel the work, call the local CHP contact person listed in Part 4 of the task order as soon as possible. When crossovers are not in use, place positive barriers across entry areas. Timelines for the contractor and the engineer to meet at the job site, review progress, and forecast when work will be stopped to open the lane, shoulder, ramp, or route to the public. Section 7-1.02A, General, requires the contractor to comply with current laws, regulations and decrees. PCMS are working equipment when actively displaying a message, otherwise they are nonoperating. Urgent, unpredictable situationsminor or of short durationcan arise during the work and should be addressed using engineering judgment. To protect the highway from damage during storms. The California MUTCD Sign Charts contain commonly used signs in California, and is not meant to be used as a comprehensive or stand-alone design tool. . If the contractor requests modifications to the contract traffic control plans, refer them to Section 7-1.04, Public Safety, of the. To expedite the work, it is helpful to close the exit temporarily if the contract, traffic patterns, and volumes permit. In that case, portable flashing beacons are paid for as part of the contract item for the traffic control system. Anticipated times to place and compact temporary asphalt tapers once paving is complete and before opening to traffic. Verify that the contractor is prepared to comply with TMPs related to work performance. Before opening a roadway to unrestricted public traffic, the final delineation must be in place on the roadway either by using long-term or short-term temporary delineation or channelizing devices. Tweets by @caltransdist6. Use the guidelines when determining when and how to use COZEEP on a project. To enhance night visibility, delineate material, equipment, excavations, or obstructions 15 feet or more from the traveled way. Links: When determining how much to include on a progress pay estimate, withhold some payment sufficient to cover the cost of maintaining and removing the signs. The maintaining traffic special provisions for capital projects provide for compensating contractors for early pickup. Payment is computed as extra work. Make the environment like the approach highway. Allow only one type of plastic traffic drum on the project. Verify that one type of crash cushion module is used for a single grouping or array. Extend entrance ramps through the closed lane by projecting the left shoulder line. Require at all times the presence on the job of personnel representing the contractor who are capable of and empowered to make decisions quickly if the need arises. Review with the contractor how flaggers will communicate with each other, with pilot cars, and with workers inside the controlled area. To avoid having to obtain more than one speed reduction order per project, verify that the limits requested in the order cover the maximum distance where reduced speed would be required at any time during the life of the contract. Beginning and ending times for critical work activities for work conducted in a closure. Notify Me. Request a list of Category 2 temporary traffic control devices to be used on the project and copies of their Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) acceptance letters. A pedestrian traffic handling plan may be required if the contract plans do not identify the affected facility. For a discussion of final delineation and pavement markings, refer to Section 4-84, Markings, of this manual. According to the Authorized Material List for Signing and Delineation Materials, 0.5-inch Intelplast Intelcel or similar material is authorized, and according to FHWA Work Zone Letter 85 from the FHWAs Safety Program work zone device letter archive website, this type of sign substrate is authorized for use on Type 3 barricades. Timely publicity can significantly improve traffic behavior on a construction project. Follow the districts instructions for distributing news releases. Confirm that the task order, which has five parts, is completely filled out. Work zone activities can disrupt the publics mobility and access. COZEEP is not a baseline measurean important fact when resources are limited and CHP personnel may not be available when requested. Obtain a contact cell phone number for the contractor before starting activities that require a portable changeable message sign and arrange for an inspection with the contractor before the first deployment. The contingency action plans should include detailed operations undertaken in case a major activity passes the late-finish milestone. Within 45 calendar days of receipt of the invoice, the district COZEEP coordinator reviews and approves the summary and submits it for payment to the Caltrans Division of Accounting, which uses it as the receiving record for payment. An inevitable degree of mismatch between the old and new surfaces creates a slight discontinuity that may cause a car to lurch or swerve. The covers should also present a workmanlike appearance. Containment may require modestly increasing the spacing between signs or require the placing of additional signs. A person with a visual disability traveling with the aid of a long cane must be able to detect it. PCMS can be used in place of an advance flagger to remove workers from the roadway to improve worker safety from traffic. You may also consult the district Traffic Operations office. The following are typical situations in which field adjustments are necessary: If long closures are unavoidable, protect the active work area by placing barricades or drums across the closed lanes, upstream of the work area. Verify temporary flashing beacon systems are relocated as work progresses according to the specifications. Reviews the contractors contingency plan. Also refer to Section 2-2, Traffic, of this manual, which provides guidance and a general overview of providing a safe and convenient passage of public traffic through the construction area and is complementary to this section. Create a Requestor LCS account and set the option in the account to status closures for those who will request and status closures. Restore all signs and signals to normal operation. The following is a list of CalTrans lane closures, road construction, and blocked lanes that are active or plannded for on Highway SR-17 Updated Mar 02, 2023, 9:33 AM CalTrans Lane & Road Closures SR-17 They require lane closure charts that specify when and how many lanes may be closed for construction. Place a barrier across the full width of a closed sidewalk. When the officer or officers arrive at the project site, the senior CHP uniformed officer will check in with the Caltrans project supervisor who should initiate Form CEM-2101, COZEEP Daily Report. The daily report number will also be the project identifier number. Click on any marker to get project details as of March 1, 2023. For current road conditions call 1-800-427-7623. Significant traffic effectan individual traffic delay of 30 minutes or more above normal travel time during recurring congestion on the existing facility. Acts as the focal point for development and implementation of TMPs. Results will display in a new window. Do not allow the use of sandbags. Confirm the contractors employee uses the assigned user identification to submit the closure requests in the Lane Closure System (LCS). Key personnel involved in traffic control have responsibilities as follows. Coordinate with the district public information office to provide the public with information on planned project road closures, new road openings, traffic rerouting, and changes in traffic conditions. Construction situations frequently require a lateral shifting of traffic in relation to the normal path of travel and may involve dropping a lane. Anticipated length of time, rounded to the nearest 5 minutes, to pick up the closures. The contractors responsibility to submit a Form CEM-2311, Temporary Pedestrian Access Route Contractor Compliance Report, within 2 business days after construction of a temporary pedestrian access route, and a Form CEM-2312, Temporary Pedestrian Access Route Contractor Weekly Report, within 2 business days of completing a weekly inspection. Signs and other devices mounted lower than 7 feet above the temporary pedestrian pathway should not project more than 4 inches into accessible pedestrian facilities. Require ballast for drums according to manufacturer specifications. The selected speed should be what a driver exercising due care would drive in normal conditions of light and weather. To confirm that contractors can access LCS and LCS Mobile, do the following before work begins: When full use is not possible, accommodate traffic by verifying a continuous roadway throughout the length of the project, achieved by using one or a combination of the following: The newly constructed highway or portions of it, A detour where traffic, including pedestrians and bicycles, is diverted over a temporary roadway, Passage of traffic through the work in progress. (Under ideal conditions, all advance warning signs and the taper would be in a tangent with the taper placed on a slight upgrade for improved visibility.). Emergency closures can be searched under Statewide. If temporary traffic control devices are damaged, displaced, or stop operating or functioning as described from any cause during the progress of the work, have the contractor repair, repaint, or replace the components and restore them to their original locations and positions. If a notice of change is received, attach a copy to your copy of the COZEEP daily report, and submit the original to the district COZEEP coordinator. Updated information available at # caltrans8 TMC ALERT In addition, the plans provide traffic handling details during construction of the structure work per Traffic Handling Plans and related plans including TH-3 (Sheet 54 of advertised plans). The ideal transition is on a horizontal tangent with a slightly rising grade at the end of a level approach. Obtain a sample of the type of portable delineator to be used on the project. It is imperative that the regulatory speed limit be posted only in areas of the project where required and only for the duration of the conditions justifying the reduction as discussed in the speed reduction order provided by district Traffic Operations staff. Verify the base is shaped to prevent rolling if struck by vehicles. Section 4-73, Concrete Curbs and Sidewalks, of this manual provides policies and procedures for those facilities. The project engineer should include the project estimate funds necessary to provide COZEEP as state-furnished materials and services. Review Sections 12-4.04, Temporary Pedestrian Access Routes, and 16-2.02, Temporary Pedestrian Facilities, of the Standard Specifications for the temporary pedestrian facilities requirements. Closure Type All Full Only Closure Status to include: In Progress Completed Canceled No Status Time Period All Day (5 AM - 4 PM) Night (4 PM - 5 AM) Long Term Only (24 Hours+) When Status changed: Facility Carpool Mainline Connector On Ramp Off Ramp Other Type K temporary railing placed within 10 feet of a traffic lane requires a reflector on each rail unit. Verify the contractor follows the notification and signing requirements before setting up any traffic control systems. Verify portable transverse rumble strips comply with the requirements in Section 12-3.36 Portable Transverse Rumble Strips of the project special provisions, if applicable. Design for the least change in alignment, speed, or both. Maintain railings and walkways in good condition. Review Sections 12-6, Temporary Pavement Delineation and 84-2, Traffic Stripes and Pavement Markings, of the Standard Specifications for temporary pavement delineation requirements. Refer to Section 12-6, Temporary Pavement Delineation and Section 12-7 Temporary Pavement Delineation for Seal Coats, of the Standard Specifications for temporary signing requirements for no-passing zones. File completed ADA compliance reports in Category 23, Temporary Pedestrian Access Routes, of the project files. Verify the base is shaped to prevent delineators from rolling if stuck by vehicles. Verify the contractor cements the bases of channelizers used for temporary edge line delineation as specified. If a change order is needed to add a permanent facility, contact the district Design Unit to develop plans. Check that the attenuator meets the test level requirement for the posted speed limit. lcs ver This application is being updated for digital accessibility and will continue to function while updates are in progress. During the course of work, monitor the contractors activities to verify closures are statused in LCS as follows: The LCS will notify the resident engineers and designated inspectors by email when the contractor changes the status of a closure. Some reviews should take place at night, particularly when a major traffic change has taken place. Strategies that may result in a net reduction of overall delay for motorists include full facility closures, extended weekend closures, continuous weekday closures, A+B contract specifications, and performance-based, traffic-handling specifications. This will speed the placing of closures and allow for a more consistent taper alignment. Directs the termination or modification of active planned lane closure operations when traffic delays become significant, without compromising traveler or worker safety. Click on any marker to get project details as of March 1, 2023. Verify that temporary pavement marking tape to remain in place more than 14 days is applied according to the specifications, and that temporary pavement marking tape to remain in place 14 days or less is applied according to the manufacturers instructions. California code are designated by (CA). Confirm the sign is placed where it is most visible to approaching motorists. Check Type 3 barricades, used as sign supports, for label with FHWA acceptance letter number showing they have been crash tested as a single unit with a sign panel of the size and type used on the project. Response #1:Lane Closure during the day on Peaceful Oak Road is included as per page 31 in the Special Provisions Section 12-4.02C (3) (m) Chart No. Notify the district transportation management center when unforeseen traffic delays result from planned work. Section 124 of the California Streets and Highways Code authorizes Caltrans to close or restrict the use of any state highway whenever it considers such actions necessary for these reasons: Closures may also be necessary after major earthquakes or other natural disasters. A maintaining traffic standard special provision allows assessing the contractor a contract payment deduction for the value of a traffic delay when the contractor exceeds the closure window. For all project work, the lump sum payment for the traffic control system includes payment for all labor, equipment, and materials to install, maintain, and remove the traffic control system as shown on the plans or Standard Plans. Periodic project safety reviews should note deficient areas and provide recommendations for the contractor to correct those deficiencies. Verify the required signs are placed during the cleaning and painting activities and removed at the end of each work shift. Contractor will collect 7 day 24 hour traffic counts from Caltrans. Verify that the sign complies with the requirements of Section 12-3.32, "Portable Changeable Message Signs," of the Standard Specifications, including number of lines and characters in a line, display modes, power source, and devices to plumb and level the trailer. Refer to Section 7-1.04, Public Safety, of the. The district railroad liaison agent should report to the Public Utilities Commission any proposed detours that include an at-grade railroad crossing. Inspect Category 2 temporary traffic control devices to confirm they are labeled with the FHWA acceptance letter code and the name of the manufacturer. Questions? Consider sight distance for drivers because of temporary features such as falsework impeding view of traffic signal systems. Acting as a resource for the resident engineer, construction engineer, DTM, and TMP manager during TMP implementation and reviewing the contractors construction contingency plan. In metropolitan areas, this type of warning may be feasible with cooperation of the transportation management center. Refer to Section 4-1202C (1a), Lane Closure System, of this manual. Evaluate the COZEEP use criteria for lane closures on freeway-to-freeway connectors and for night closures of exit and entrance ramps. Request a certificate of compliance for Type K temporary railing. Confirm supporting steel pipes are placed on the traffic side of the screen so that if a panel becomes dislodged, the plywood will fall away from traffic. Temporary pavement markers will not adhere to a cold in-place recycling surface. Verify Category 3 temporary traffic control devices are the type shown on the Authorized Material List for Highway Safety Features. Any part of the project within the limits stated in the order becomes a legal speed zone when signs are placed. The lump sum payment for this item includes all costs for placement, operation, maintenance, relocation, and removal of the Automated Work Zone Information System. Contact the district traffic manager for assistance with either of these tasks. Verify temporary pavement delineation is maintained until it is replaced with the permanent pavement delineation. If necessary, direct the contractor in writing to act at once to remedy any issue not in compliance with the contract: If the contractor cannot address the traffic safety issue because of a lack of materials and it is safe to do so, consider temporarily suspending the work until correction can be made. Acts as the single focal point for all traffic decisions resulting from planned activities on the State Highway System. Review sheet T3B of the Standard Plans for staking requirements. The special bulbs used with solar signs have much narrower beams than conventional bulbs and, therefore, require greater care while being aimed. Scheduled Dates: 06/13/2022 to 01/16/2023. Reported closures to include freeway mainline, local roads, and interchange ramps. The contractor should develop a plan for handling emergencies and emergency vehicles in the control zone. If the contractor fails to reopen the highway according to the closure charts, suspend work and request a detailed written construction contingency plan demonstrating that the highway will be opened as soon as possible. Inspect all traffic control devices to verify conformity with the specifications. Caltrans Emergency Road Closures due to incidents impacts. For continuous construction work zone speed limit reduction, verify that advisory warning signs are posted to alert motorist of the roadway condition as specified and as shown on the standard plans. Time and mileage are based on officers starting and stopping times at their reporting station and include travel to and from the project. Verify the contractor conducts a meeting with all involved parties to discuss the operation of the impact attenuator vehicle. Traffic control systems conform to the Standard Plans, unless the contract specifies otherwise. Scheduled Times: 8:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. Expected Delay from Traffic Control due to Road Closure. Confirm the contractor provides a temporary pedestrian access route (TPAR) nearby, off the traveled way, when the construction activities require the closure of an existing pedestrian route. Drums used instead of cones, barricades, or delineators as part of a traffic control system or used as specified under Public Safety section in the contract are not to be paid for at contract item price. The Angeles CREST Highway (SR-2) is in the jurisdiction of Caltrans. The request may be processed under the G-12 process or require a California Transportation Commission supplemental vote. Section 12, Temporary Traffic Control, directs the contractors attention to the. Published: Feb 06, 2023 California Invests Nearly $1 Billion for Transportation Improvements Temporary crash cushions may be installed on wooden pallets as an option. When planning for pedestrians in work zones, verify that the contractor does the following: When existing pedestrian facilities are disrupted, closed, or relocated, the temporary facilities should be detectable and include accessibility features consistent with those in the existing pedestrian facility. Verify that the color of the portable transverse rumble strips is black or orange and arranged in accordance with Standard Plan T13. Verify telescoping flag trees are from a commercial-quality material manufacturer. District Construction should review the traffic control plan before the district submits the plans, specifications, and estimate to headquarters. For nighttime operations for contractor staff, the law recommends but does not require ANSI 107-2004 Class 3 garments. the lane closure unless the end of work area is obvious or A G20-2 "END ROAD WORK" sign shall be placed at the end of lane closure during hours of darkness. Refer to Section 2-214D, Construction Contingency Plan, of this manual. If the contractor is to place the traffic control system repeatedly in the same place, the contractor can request to mark on the shoulder the locations of advance warning signs, cones, and drums. Operation work schedule with a timeline set at 20-minute intervals. For the use of amber flashing lights and for driving and parking in a closed lane at night, refer to the, Verify all equipment is visible to traffic as required by the California Code of Regulations, Title 8 (8 CCR), Industrial Relations., Review closure layouts for visibility and effectiveness. Traffic cones are paid for as part of the contract item for the traffic control system. If the blunt end is within 8 feet, appropriate approved crash cushion protection other than sand filled modules should be provided. Critical stage for each operation when the alternative or additional equipment, materials, or workers must be activated. 2. Order repainting when needed. Calculate the adjustment on a force account basis. Verify that the contractor has all components on hand before setting up any traffic control system and that all components meet the specifications requirements. Review the Public Safety section in the contract. Make every effort to resolve disputes at the lowest level such as between the resident engineer and the CHP coordinator at the local CHP area office. Caltrans reimburses CHP officers who provide COZEEP services on overtime at time and a half. Form CEM-2303, Temporary Pedestrian Access Route Sidewalk Detour Inspection Report, may be used by the engineer and the contractor to report weekly inspections if the temporary pedestrian access route is provided using an existing pedestrian route. Anticipated times for beginning the closure pickup. In the transition, if physically possible, give the driver at least the same effective traversable roadway widthand preferably moreas on the approach roadway. If properly shielded, most lights can be mounted on construction equipment. Caltrans and the CHP have an interagency agreement that is the basis for the Construction Zone Enhanced Enforcement Program (COZEEP). The traffic control plan should be appropriate for anticipated conditions that may occur during construction. Do not permit any closures until the contractor submits this plan and it is authorized in accordance with the specifications. Drivers should be able to read the entire message at least two times before passing the sign. Do not permit rocks, concrete, or other hard objects to be used for this purpose. If a revision is required, the contractor should not close any lanes until the resident engineer has reviewed the contingency plan. Workers may operate vehicles opposite the flow of traffic inside a closed lane only with the prior authorization of the resident engineer. If the safe operating speed of traffic through a work zone is significantly less than the approach speed of highway traffic, a reduced work-zone regulatory speed limit may be established. Compare the traffic control plan to site conditions. The project has sufficient funds available to pay for the CHP support. Traffic queuesContain traffic queues completely within the advance warning signs of any closure. Category 3 devices include crash cushions, impact attenuator vehicles, temporary railing, temporary barrier, and end treatments for temporary railings and barriers. Regulatory speed limit signing may be considered during work activities when workers are present on foot and have direct exposure to vehicular traffic. Refer to Part 6, Section 6H, Typical Applications, and figures 6H-28 and 6H-29 of the California MUTCD. Camino, CA 95709 Reason for Traffic Control for Water Replacement Project by Lakeside Water District. Avoid these difficulties by bringing the temporary surfacing back onto the existing highway in a square joint. If the pedestrian facility existing before construction began was accessible to pedestrians with disabilities, the one provided during construction should also be accessible. Portable delineators are paid for as part of the contract item for the traffic control system. The contractor develops a contingency plan and submits it within 1 day of the resident engineers request or as specified in the Standard Special Provisions. Include appropriate signage. The effectiveness of handling traffic through night construction depends on the contract plans and the details of the contractors activities. If differences exist, try to make them readily apparent. Maintenance funded projectson maintenance projects, obtain additional funding through a request to the district Maintenance Unit. If a discrepancy occurs between the contract plans and specifications and the California MUTCD, the plans and specifications govern. May 5, 2020 Mr. Patrick McDaniel California Department of Forestry and Fire Protection 2840 Mt. The CHP sorts and subtotals the COZEEP service summary by project, including cost information. While the Caltrans' charts did not explicitly dictate that a contractor must perform work during nighttime hours, the charts functionally required that any work requiring a lane closure could only be performed at night. referendum apush significance,

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