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Now we’re going to set up a study time every day where I supervise your work. This parenting gig is a hard one and we are all trying to do the best we can. “I notice that Kevin’s easily distracted and zones out sometimes. Hi Hayley, thanks for sharing your experience with us. As long as they are provided with the opportunity to learn these sorts of skills, they will take it on board when they are ready. We have experienced schooling and teaching across 2 states, and have found it to be common to send the child off when they reach the acceptable age, irrespective of the child’s interest/capabilities. It’s so important that we don’t push this on to young children. She is much more likely to be open to your suggestions and to work with you to help Billy be able to follow directions. It is so true what you say at the end of your comment – I haven’t heard anyone say they regret repeating their child in Kindergarten! Subscribe to Teach Starter and access thousands of curriculum-aligned resources and digital learning tools. It was always something that was in the back of our minds, but making that final call was really tricky! What your child learns. Ideally, no. Teach Starter have created 25 social stories, templates and pictures for the use in mainstream classrooms. Parents want to know the reasons behind the teacher’s decision to hold a child back. I’ve never heard from someone who regretted repeating their child in Kinder but I have heard from parents that they wish they had of delayed formal schooling. Thankyou for this article. They may know very early on if he or she isn’t progressing. Ask your children to tell you one thing they liked and one thing that was difficult about school that day. Thanks again for sharing your story as well. Yep – he’s my little munchkin. Then, have the teacher gently remind him of those rules when he is talking during a “no talk” time. Current time: 02/04/2021 03:16:56 am (America/Los_Angeles) Experts provide tips by age. With all this in mind, you’d think it would be an easy decision, but really, what parenting decision is ever easy? This is usually the kids that did not go to daycare or have enough socialization. Read this article to find out how you can help your child speak English at home. 3) Relate discussions about emotions to your child: Talking to your kids about emotions is great. He can sit still and concentrate on an activity for extended periods of time, especially if it involves role-playing with transportation devices! It’s not time to repeat your point 20 (or more) times in a row. Don’t be afraid to talk about it, and make sure you … • When you’re reading a story or a non-fiction book together, encourage your child to join in with the reading as much as they want to. Also, having that fine motor control to begin writing is an important developmental milestone that is really important in school readiness. A child who feels afraid is afraid, even if adults think the reason for the fear is unnecessary. Children are like sponges. Children vary widely in their need for information and their ability to understand it. He’s only 4 years old which is young for his grade. Using visual brain teasers in the classroom encourages critical thinking in your students, plus, kids love them! | A Teacher-Mother Perspective. Make your classroom buzz! I will not repeat this again.” As a teacher, I knew this was most likely required, but I just needed that reassurance from another professional. Doing the same things that I talked about you doing with your kids with yourself: trying to get sleep, trying to make sure you have an appropriate diet, trying to meditate or do yoga, finding some ways to move your body and work on your spirit. Provide resources for parents where they can find more information, and gently point them in the right direction when necessary. I feel as though I could have written this blog. Speech and language skills are another major factor in the ‘school readiness’ decision process. Emergent writing is the beginning stage a young child will go through by making random marks on a page that somewhat resemble writing. It’s important to know that it’s not just you on this journey. A small child who is academically doing fine, may catch up on physical growth and be just fine in first grade. When did that happen!? Dougé, Heard-Garris and Nunez shared ways to talk to children about the protests, Blake's shooting and racism. Focus on helping your child feel safe, but be truthful. If your little one seems interested in a particular picture in a book, keep talking about it. In fact, repeating a grade may contribute to long-term issues with … You may want to seek help from the school in having your child assessed for school readiness. When You Talk to Kids, Make an Offer the Child Can’t Refuse . Kindergarten teachers are constantly assessing your child during the year. Ask your child to repeat what you said back to you in their own words, and show them encouragement when they do so by thanking them. It is important to talk to your child about the suicide attempt to help her understand what has happened. You can reason with a two or three-year-old, especially to avoid power struggles. If he can’t, it’s too long or too complicated. Should My Child Repeat Kindergarten? A child’s speech development is a gradual process and it’s not uncommon for children, especially boys, to require some extra assistance with pronouncing certain sounds. Use their name when you talk to them. I’m sorry that it showed up on the computer, and we’ll work to block that and other sites like it. They will send the declaration to us (the Department). Writes and recognises all the letters, both upper and most lower cases. Although Lachlan has an older sister, his interest in drawing has been very sparse. Talk to Your Child About What’s Going On. He is a ‘delight’ in terms of behaviour in class, though I sometimes find this hard to believe! And, of course, we wouldn’t base our whole decision on the fact that he’s small! This is especially true if your district has full-day kindergarten or if your child is behind in certain areas. For instance, have your child practice saying, “Go away, worry, leave me alone. If you think your child needs more time in kindergarten, speak to both your child’s teacher and the first grade teacher.”, “In working with kindergarteners, there is usually one or two kids that seem to be a little behind the others. If the teacher believes your child has a developmental delay in two or more key areas and would benefit from a second year of kindergarten, they will talk to you about your options and if you agree, they will complete a Declaration of eligibility for a second year of funded kindergarten. This post comes with a free printable to help with you in a bind.. Her speech has set her confidence back. How to Talk to a School Age Child about a Suicide Attempt in Your Family. CopyRight© By Opal Dunn, author and educational consultant . Let your child finish talking and then respond. Most children will know something about the pro-Trump riots and parents need to understand how to talk with them about the riots. Then go back to what you were doing. If you are absolutely convinced that your child needs to repeat first grade, the best explanation is a very simple one that he can understand. Children who are chronically absent in kindergarten and first grade are less likely to read on grade level by the third grade. He still has accidents at Kindy when his mind is preoccupied with something that is far more interesting than going to the toilet! She is more than ready academically. Help your child feel in charge of the worry by teaching a self-reassurance phrase. 6. But if your child is on the young side for kindergarten (has a summer or fall birthday), an extra year might have some short-term benefits. Use the conversation to take the opportunity to talk about other troubling feelings your child may have. So, there you have it! Check out this list of 18 quick and amazing mindfulness activities for the classroom. Ask them what they know, what their worries are, and what they want to know. I feel like it describes the journey we are having with my son. what would you want more, a child who is ready to survive, or a child who is ready to thrive? Finally, the professionals agreed! It may be considered when a child: 1. Making this decision has been the hardest decision we have had to make as parents to date. One teacher. Creating a plan: If it was one incident and your child feels bad about it, talk about what caused her to behave so badly and have her apologize to the other child. Most of his friends and classmates are already 5, while Roman’s birthday isn’t until June 21. It’s a very hard decision to make but I’ve assured by all of the professionals I’ve spoken to, one that we won’t regret. Ask your children about who they played with in school and what games they played. Knows the difference between upper and lowercase, Can sit and listen to a story and knows the beginning, middle and ending. Use simple apps that help you do all kinds of useful things. The little confident girl she is at home is quiet and withdrawn at kinder. What I can share, is our journey, and why we waved goodbye at the school gate to one of our children the ‘right’ year and why we have decided to repeat the other in Kindergarten. Introduction. In order to lessen any negative effects, stay as positive as possible. If they are not going to treat her as such, first of all I might raise a little heck!! “In my experience teaching first grade, the most issues I see are when children have been pushed into first grade too quickly. Mindfulness is a superpower that your students can master with just five minutes practise a day. How To Talk To Kids About The Riots At The U.S. Capitol : Capitol Insurrection Updates Many young people across the country are finding this moment extremely scary. Making it a positive experience for your child will help lessen any stigma and increase their chances of learning what they need to learn to move on. How is he going to feel when his friends are no longer at Kindy and have moved on to Prep? This helps kids meet new learning standards imposed by the government. They soak in almost everything around them, repeat the words they hear, mimic the actions they see, and even adapt to … If you talk with your children about what you are working on, why it is hard, and what you are doing to improve, you can give your children ideas for strategies that they can use themselves. I am not talking conspiracy-this is all information that came out about both our democractic elections & the UK’s back in 2018. It’s not easy to explain to your child why lockdown drills are necessary or what exactly they’re protecting them against without inciting fear. Talking About Body Parts. Kids are already beginning to learn math and reading skills. Parents see the child to be ready to start primary school without any consideration as to what it may look like as their child starts high school, and beyond as they complete their schooling years later. This sets a good example of listening for your child. Despite the constant news feed and information overload, your child may be confused or unsure of what the current COVID situation is. Typical development can vary significantly Cast your child (who will probably be older than her classmates) as a potential leader in the classroom. Talk to your child’s preschool teacher, visit a few schools, and talk to the principal or a kindergarten teacher before deciding. How do we encourage positive learning dispositions in our students? Research shows that when kids feel they have some control over their situation and can talk back to the fear, their anxiety decreases. One of the reasons for having a child repeat kindergarten is that they are still young or small physically. I have made a simple printable for you that has all of these phrases in a simple and easy to display format. If she seems intrigued by a boat, show her more boats and talk about them, too. But if your kids don't seem interested or don't ask a lot of questions, that's OK. Offer Comfort — and Honesty. When we decided to give Noah that extra year, I had to be a good pretender at first! Your students will become engaged and motivated learners with these simple ideas. Say something like this: “That material is designed for adults and not for children. Watch the video and follow the instructions for a tricky origami project that will have your students on task for a while (hopefully!). We had no doubt that although she would be one of the youngest in her class, she was ready for school. Talking Too Much. A child who is doing fine academically, but low on social skills may also catch up. You will also get a copy. Repeating Kindergarten, delaying formal schooling, giving them more time to ‘play’ and explore their interests and develop more… whatever you want to call it, we have made the call and are happy we did. If this kid heard about race and the parent has been talking about race and now they’re thinking white people are mean to Black people, that’s how they processed it. If you sound upbeat about the whole thing, they will have an easier time accepting it. They walk, talk, and explore the world around them with fascinating curiosity. Without support of family/friends, children may try to make sense of this confusing situation themselves. Is this something we should talk about with our health care provider? It’s a really good way to see how your kid is processing all those discussions. Read our tips (with examples!) We too have decided to keep our son back another year to enjoy being my baby. Instead of using nicknames or generic greetings, like “kiddo” … Most of us have a solution already prepared when we sit our kids down for a “talk.” Your child may have a lot of great ideas too! Here are some of the reasons that helped us make up our minds: As a teacher, it was always evident that boys and girls developed at different stages, both mentally and socially. We are repeating kinder as well. As yet, I have not seen any negatives in holding the child back, and yet have seen many students struggle because they were not socially and emotionally ready for what is ahead. All Rights Reserved. “Explain it in terms with experience that they've had. When they get into large groups of other children they tend to lose focus. But if your children can tell you’re nervous, they might think they should be nervous about school too. When you find out that your child’s teacher wants him or her held back, you may have some mixed feelings and questions. He has no problems socially, having formed a close group of friends in Kindy. She was 5 in December meaning that she’ll start school 6 already turning 7 the September of prep. Ask professionals, talk to others that have gone through this journey! Call your child’s teacher and ask for a meeting so you can discuss these areas. Follow your child's lead. It is their first attempts in the writing process and means they have begun to understand that writing is a form of communication and that the purpose is to convey a message. They may feel some embarrassment and this can make them feel negatively about themselves. Talk to your kids about what they see on TV or read online and help them understand which sources are reliable and which aren’t when it comes to information about the virus. Ask your children to tell you one new thing they did or learned about in school that day. Daily maths warm-ups are intended to be a quick warm-up of the brain. Talk to your child’s teacher to find out what they’re learning at the moment and which letter sounds the teacher would like you to focus on with your child. Once the decision is made, sit your child down and talk to them with a positive tone. If you are reading this blog, you have come to find some answers as to whether your child is ready for formal schooling. Use retention as an ultimatum or threat for poor performance and/or behavior. Turn "Do you want to go for a walk?" If you find out early enough, ask the school for help. The decision to hold your child back a year is a … It’s a well-known fact; I saw it in the classroom when I was teaching. When you use a nice tone of voice with your child at home, she'll naturally do this at school and in other settings. Contrary to common belief, we do not expect your child to enter … “It’s okay to feel frustrated, but I don’t like it when … We had the added pressure of her age with our decision. You can usually tell because these are the ones that cling to a parent or the teacher. He’d much prefer to play with his cars and role play an ’emergency’ situation rather than sit down and draw or write – which is completely fine! Holding back where possible has benefitted my own children, and I have seen it in the classroom. Make your classroom buzz! Thanks again for sharing. If you decide to have your child repeat a grade, you must, must, MUST make the decision and then stand by it with confidence. For the most part, it is parents who teach their young children to speak their home language. Some kids may need more time to absorb all the information they have to know by first grade. A lot of times when we talk to kids, they set up their own narrative and it comes out in play. But, seeing it in my own children has been truly eye-opening. You may notice that your child’s development goes at its own unique pace. If you speak calmly about the positive aspects of repeating a grade and don't show any negative emotions, your son might not be very upset. But it definitely added to the benefits of delaying school. Try to be aware of your tone and talk just like how you would to a friend or coworker. Choosing your country and state helps us to provide you with the most relevant teaching resources for your students. Your pediatrician may refer your child for psychological and educational evaluations. It can be hard to get him back on track.” The teacher might think your child is distracted because of ADHD. The best time to talk to your child about emotions is when you are both calm, relaxed and attentive. But a child who is small, not making friends and therefore struggling academically may need an extra year in kindergarten. Tailor your conversations to fit your own child’s situation, considering the following topics: The risk of children becoming seriously ill is small. School and health officials are working to … This lets your child know you’re listening and helps you check what your child is saying. Label Everything: Create labels with your child for different objects in your house, like books, toy bins, foods, kitchen objects, and clothes. Like anything with children, there is no one size fits all approach, each child is so different, but I hope this blog provides some insight and helps others with their decision-making process. I’m so glad that this blog is going to be helpful to other parents, especially those that have no experience in the education field. Your Child Will Be More Respectful . Even when you ask him if he wants to go to school he will say ” No Mummy please don’t make me go to big school!” He also has been diagnosed as having speech and language difficulties which we are currently working on. Avoid baby talk with children who are no longer infants. Or different, and it has made them feel a little more at ease with whichever decision they have made! If you have to repeat something because your child was not listening, let them know, “It is important to listen the first time you are told something. Kindergarten programs are delivered by a qualified early childhood teacher. Here's how to help children make sense of it all. Repeat or rephrase what your child has said from time to time. Researchers have shown that the human brain can keep only four “chunks” of … First, give the program and teacher some time to get the year going. When you talk with your child (and others) in a respectful way, this gives a powerful message about positive communication. Log in or sign up to join the conversation. My girl has a speech delay that needs a bit of extra time. One minute you are sitting on the ground showing your child how to build a tower with blocks, next minute, you are faced with the beginning of their formal schooling. If your child asks, you can explain that there are girl body parts and boy body parts. A lot of parents, and particularly mothers, tend to put themselves last. If your child does find his or her way into some tawdry material, talk about it. 1. Leave your “kindergarten” voice in the classroom and use a different tone with adults than you may use when speaking to younger children. You or your child can write the names of the objects, and your child can draw a picture to go along with it. It will help your child if he or she can be teacher’s helper. Your child can use and understand a lot of words, but she still might have trouble understanding what you’re saying sometimes. Teach with comprehensive, curriculum-aligned units and lessons. You may also want to share relationship stories from your past. Being a teacher, most people said: “You know what to do!”, but the fact of the matter was, I didn’t know what to do. Lachlan has not shown any interest or begun this emergent writing stage, and again I don’t want to push this. Why I’m Repeating My Son in Kindergarten. Speak kindly to parents without being condescending. My first born, Sophie, was due to turn … It is important to not take this personally for you or your child. Don't offer more detail than your child is interested in. The first time our local elementary school did a lockdown drill when my son was in kindergarten, he came home a little shaken up. After a speech screening at Lachlan’s kindy, a few areas of development were highlighted and he has since started some speech therapy. Deciding if your child should repeat a grade can feel a bit challenging. Knowing the skills your child will need for first grade can help. Repeating bad words (and laughing hysterically about them) is often merely a stage that most preschool and kindergarten children go through. Let your child know that it is all right to be upset about something bad that happened. Talk to your child's teacher: Given how visible the bullying behaviors are in young children, parents can talk to the teachers. Try not to overthink your decision and make it painful. Children are naturally curious, so always praise your child for asking a question and be honest and straightforward with your answers. Talk with your pediatrician. Are you interested in helping your students embrace mistakes, and learn from them? And…. She was absolutely ready to thrive in the school environment. Roman is officially a kindergartener! Relating those emotions to specific situations affecting your child is even better. Being older in first grade than other children gives them more confidence and sets them up for success. Furthermore, your child's much better off repeating a year in school now rather than when he's in fifth or sixth grade. Lace-Up shoes. but if your little one seems interested in us ( the Department ) your.. Show her more boats and talk just like how you would to school! A few months bad words ( and others ) in a layout that is behind can sometimes put them behind... 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