nj title 40 police promotions

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Section 40:52-13 - Conditions for licensure. Section 40:55D-53 - Guarantees required; surety; release. Section 40:55D-151 - Review by Office of Smart Growth. Section 40:55D-53.1 - Interest on deposits with municipalities, Section 40:55D-53.2 - Municipal payments to professionals for services rendered; determination, Section 40:55D-53.2a - Applicant notification to dispute charges; appeals; rules, regulations, Section 40:55D-53.3 - Maintenance, performance guarantees, Section 40:55D-53.4 - Municipal engineer to estimate cost of installation of improvements, Section 40:55D-53.5 - Performance of maintenance guarantee, acceptance, Section 40:55D-53.6 - Municipality to assume payment of cost of street lighting, Section 40:55D-54 - Recording of final approval of major subdivision; filing of all subdivision plats, Section 40:55D-54.1 - Notification to tax assessor of municipality, Section 40:55D-55 - Selling before approval; penalty; suits by municipalities, Section 40:55D-56 - Certificates showing approval; contents, Section 40:55D-57 - Right of owner of land covered by certificate, Section 40:55D-58 - Condominiums and cooperative structures and uses, Section 40:55D-60 - Planning board review in lieu of board of adjustment. Section 40:66A-16 - Personal liability on bonds; not debt or liability of State or local unit. Section 40:55D-23.4 - Exemptions from educational requirements. Section 40:48-9.4a - Annual appropriation to nonprofit organizations for treatment and rehabilitation of certain persons. The Police Promotional class meets TWICE per week. Section 40:14A-38 - Findings, declarations relative to utility improvements for sewers, Section 40:14A-39 - Definitions relative to utility improvements for sewers, Section 40:14A-40 - Conditions of final site plan approval, Section 40:14A-41 - Payments to professionals for services rendered to sewerage authority, Section 40:14A-42 - Maintenance, performance guarantee; cash requirement, Section 40:14A-43 - Disputes by applicant of charges made by professional; appeal, Section 40:14A-44 - Estimate of cost of installation of improvements, Section 40:14A-45 - Acceptance of performance, maintenance guarantee which is irrevocable letter of credit, Section 40:14B-4.1 - Name change to water reclamation authority, permitted, Section 40:14B-5 - Membership of joint municipal utilities authorities; staggered terms; vacancies, Section 40:14B-6 - Reorganization of sewerage authority, Section 40:14B-7 - Filing of recognition ordinance or resolution, Section 40:14B-8 - Filing of resolution appointing authority member, Section 40:14B-11 - Election of municipalities within county to become part of county district, Section 40:14B-12 - Separations from districts, Section 40:14B-13 - Dissolution of authority, Section 40:14B-13.1 - New sewerage system authorized. 2013 New Jersey Revised Statutes Title 40A - MUNICIPALITIES AND COUNTIES Section 40A:14-129 - Promotion of members and officers in certain municipalities Universal Citation: NJ Rev Stat 40A:14-129 (2013) 40A:14-129. Section 40:12-15.12 - Proposition authorizing levy to support arts and culture. Section 40:52-17 - Refusal to grant, renew license; appeal, Section 40:52-18 - Licensing authority, establishment of rooming and boarding house site licensing board, Section 40:53-1 - Official newspaper designated, Section 40:53-2 - Public notices generally; publication, Section 40:54-1 - Establishment; chapter applicable to libraries established under other laws, Section 40:54-4 - Ballot; form and content, Section 40:54-6 - Vote required for adoption, Section 40:54-7 - Rejection of proposition; second election. Promotion of members and officers in certain municipalities Section 40:60-51.5 - Waiver, release or modification of covenants, conditions or limitations as to erection of buildings or use of land in conveyances, Section 40:60-51.7 - Sale of lands acquired for places of resort and recreation, Section 40:60-51.8 - Burial grounds for indigents; removal and reinterment of bodies; sale of land, Section 40:60-51.9 - Cost of removal and reinterment, Section 40:60-51.10 - Applicability of act to sales of land previously made, Section 40:60-51.12 - Leasing of municipal real estate to nonprofit entities, Section 40:61-1 - General powers; acquisition of property, Section 40:61-2 - Sale or donation of park lands to state; reversion by nonuse; provisos, Section 40:61-3 - Return of certain unused lands to municipality by park commissions, Section 40:61-4 - Entertainments to raise funds for improvement and maintenance; no charge for children, Section 40:61-5 - Use by school children; admission fee; exceptions, Section 40:61-6 - Library, art gallery and museum in parks; site; control, Section 40:61-7 - Memorial buildings in parks; ordinance authorizing; referendum, Section 40:61-8 - Referendum; notice and publication, Section 40:61-10 - Ballot; form and content; ordinance adopted, Section 40:61-11 - Relocation of streets or railways; cost; exchange of lands, Section 40:61-12 - Ordinances regulating railways in and through parks, Section 40:61-13 - Park lands held by trustees; agreement with trustees; enforcement, Section 40:61-14 - Contribution to maintenance of park lands held by trustees, Section 40:61-15 - Conveyances of burial grounds to municipalities for parks, Section 40:61-16 - Burial grounds conveyed; acceptance and use by municipality, Section 40:61-17 - Recreation commission; creation, Section 40:61-18 - Commissioners; term and compensation, Section 40:61-19 - Recreation commissioners; powers, Section 40:61-20 - Bond issue; state and federal aid, Section 40:61-21 - Lease of premises for contests and exhibitions, Section 40:61-22 - Rules and regulations; quorum, Section 40:61-22.1 - Conveyance of land to county park commission, Section 40:61-22.2 - Sale of reclaimed lands abutting park lands, Section 40:61-22.3 - Public sale to highest bidder; advertisement; minimum price; adjournment, Section 40:61-22.4 - Lease of lands when fixed minimum price not bid, Section 40:61-22.5 - Use of proceeds of sale or lease, Section 40:61-22.6 - Public golf course and other recreational facilities; acquisition of property, Section 40:61-22.7 - Maintenance, improvement and operation; buildings, structures and equipment, Section 40:61-22.9 - Commission to supervise and control, Section 40:61-22.10 - Appropriation by governing body, Section 40:61-22.11 - Fees, rents and charges, Section 40:61-22.11a - Municipal golf courses, Section 40:61-22.12 - Rules and regulations, Section 40:61-22.13 - Actions for violations; enforcement of rules, Section 40:61-22.14 - Fines and penalties; part of municipal funds, Section 40:61-22.15 - Lease of lands and buildings acquired for public golf course and other recreational uses, Section 40:61-22.17 - Power conferred is additional, Section 40:61-22.18 - Cities within first class counties; streets through public parks; widening streets, Section 40:61-22.19 - Rights, liens, interests, reversionary claims or easements in park; acquisition by city. ; civil service applicable to employees, Section 40:60-25.27 - Autobus terminals; power to establish; leases; conditions, Section 40:60-25.28 - Use of municipal property, Section 40:60-25.29 - Lands declared to be acquired and used for a public purpose; eminent domain, Section 40:60-25.30 - Private property; purchase or condemnation; bonds; construction cost a municipal charge; fees; rules and regulations, Section 40:60-25.31 - Property acquired to be self-supporting and taxable, Section 40:60-25.32 - Annual appropriations, Section 40:60-25.33 - Cemeteries which are public nuisances; acquisition by municipalities and boards of education, Section 40:60-25.34 - Cemeteries detrimental to public health or morals; possession by municipality, Section 40:60-25.36 - Use for park, school purposes or other public uses, Section 40:60-25.37 - Proceedings where church or other corporation controlling cemetery is unable or refuses to convey, Section 40:60-25.40 - Removal of bodies and reburial; records and maps, Section 40:60-25.41 - Taking of possession, Section 40:60-25.42 - Commissioners to appraise land; notice, Section 40:60-25.43 - Cost of removal of bodies and of new site; lien; payment of difference to lot owners, Section 40:60-25.44 - Report; objections; notice, Section 40:60-25.45 - Objections to report, Section 40:60-25.46 - Borrowing money; bonds, Section 40:60-25.51 - Acquisition of land and buildings for use by municipality, county, State or United States; courts; lease, Section 40:60-25.52 - Financing of acquisition and improvement; acquisition of facilities for use by county or courts, Section 40:60-25.53 - Historic sites; acquisition and maintenance, Section 40:60-25.54 - Acquisition of lands for future school sites; approval, Section 40:60-25.55 - Future school sites; use for public purpose pending conveyance to board of education, Section 40:60-25.56 - Consideration for conveyance to board of education, Section 40:60-25.57 - Acquisition of real property for use by State-operated college of medicine or college of medicine and dentistry, Section 40:60-25.58 - Declaration of taking; filing; deposit of estimated value; surrender of possession; notice; amount of compensation, Section 40:60-25.59 - Relocation assistance program; services, Section 40:60-25.60 - Payments to displaced persons, business concern or nonprofit organization, Section 40:60-25.61 - Abandoned burying ground or cemetery; application for order vesting title in municipality, Section 40:60-25.62 - Inquiry to locate owner; certification, Section 40:60-25.63 - Vesting of title in municipality, Section 40:60-25.64 - Maintaining and preserving burying ground or cemetery; interments; disinterments, Section 40:60-28 - Sale of vacated street land; advertisement unnecessary, Section 40:60-28.1 - Riparian lands purportedly dedicated as street; sale when not needed, Section 40:60-32 - Vacation of lands dedicated to public use other than a public street; referendum, Section 40:60-33 - Referendum; notice and publication, Section 40:60-34 - Ballot; form and content, Section 40:60-35 - Fee restored to owner to be absolute, Section 40:60-36.1 - Lands restricted to beach and park purposes; retention or disposition; referendum; optional courses, Section 40:60-36.2 - Lands conveyed with conditions, limitations and restrictions; election on retention, Section 40:60-36.3 - Offer of reconveyance of lands conveyed with conditions and restrictions, Section 40:60-36.4 - Use of lands conveyed with conditions on refusal of offer of reconveyance, Section 40:60-40.6 - Reconveyance of unneeded lands to nonprofit hospital association, Section 40:60-40.7 - Persons whose residential improved property is to be acquired for highway or other public purposes; application to buy unneeded lands, Section 40:60-40.8 - Ordinance authorizing sale; price; terms and conditions, Section 40:60-40.9 - Contents of notice of pendency of ordinance resolution authorizing sale and conveyance; reversion of title, Section 40:60-41 - Public burial grounds devoted to other public uses; disinterment of bodies, Section 40:60-46 - Leasing municipally owned and operated casino and bathing establishment; referendum, Section 40:60-49 - Advertisement for bids; award, Section 40:60-49.1 - Lease of cultural centers; exemption of leasehold interest from taxation, Section 40:60-50 - Transfer of municipal property to federal government for national park, Section 40:60-51 - National park; referendum if voters protest. Section 40:55D-12.3 - Application of subsection h. Section 40:55D-12.4 - Notice to military facility commander from municipality. 31.03 CHIEF OF POLICE; POWERS AND DUTIES. Section 40:54-8.1 - Limitation on increase in amount raised by taxation. Section 40:48-2.49 - Regulation of operators engaged in removal of motor vehicles. Each day of class we will cover different areas for your exam. Section 40:8-7 - Annual expenditures; taxation for, Section 40:8-8 - Airport security officers, Section 40:8-11 - Powers of airport security officers, Section 40:8-13 - Traffic laws; enforcement, Section 40:8-14 - Airport security officers; weapons, Section 40:8C-2 - Development of biotechnology, not regulated; nonapplicability of act, Section 40:9-2.1 - Acquisition, improvement, operation and equipment of public transportation passenger or freight rail line, Section 40:9-2.2 - Lease or sale of space and facilities for conduct of carrier's business; contracts for conduct of other commercial activities, Section 40:9-2.3 - Appropriation of funds; bonds or notes, Section 40:9A-1 - Federation of city-county libraries, Section 40:9A-3 - Interlibrary loan services; free use by residents.

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