yarn remove unused packages


Default Command . In atom, settings/preferences > install > search "tradeship". Yarn automatically adds an installed package as a dependency to your package.json file. Conclusion. In this quick tutorial, I'll tell you how you can find the unused npm modules in your project and remove them. Provides a link to the package's documentation so you can decide if you want the update. I, Rahul Kumar am the founder and chief editor of … A packageExtension is detected by Yarn as being unused, which means that the selector doesn't match any of the installed packages. YN0068 - UNUSED_PACKAGE_EXTENSION. Share it! Ensure you have tradeship installed: $ npm install -g tradeship # or use yarn: $ yarn global add tradeship. Then search for npm-install. September 20, 2016. It should be noted that running yarn remove will always cause your package.json and yarn.lock files to be updated. Check for outdated, incorrect, and unused dependencies. Package managers are also used for installing and managing modules for languages such as Python, Ruby, etc. yarn remove: removes an unused package from your current package. Connect on Facebook Connect on Twitter. Whenever you remove a package using yarn remove, the package will be removed from all types of dependencies: devDependencies, dependencies, e.t.c. This is a fork of the brilliant npm-check. Running yarn