discuss spatiotemporal distribution of temperature and rainfall in ethiopia
craigslist tri cities tn houses for rentInformation should be used to build a strong understanding of current climate conditions in order to appreciate future climate scenarios and projected change. Likewise, as presented in Table2, the distribution of annual rainfall has shown to be very low with high PCI. ochsner obgyn residents // discuss spatiotemporal distribution of temperature and rainfall in ethiopia A significantly declining trend of bega season rainfall was observed in all stations with the trend magnitude of 0.61 mm/year and 7.50% in GIN station to 0.21 mm/year and 56.40% in DBS station. Rock and Mineral Resources of Ethiopia, CHAPTER THREE THE TOPOGRAPHY OF ETHIOPIA AND THE HORN, 3.2. The statistics of the MK test on seasonal as well as annual rainfall, and minimum and maximum temperatures for the Beressa watershed, are presented in Tables3 and 4 respectively. From Figure3, it is confirmed that the maximum temperature has continuously increased by about 1.10 C, whereas the minimum temperature has increased by about 0.70 C. Over the past decades, the minimum and maximum average temperature of Ethiopia have increased by about 0.25 and 0.1 C, respectively.
Following the directness of the Sun inMarch and September around the equator, the ITCZ shifts towards equator. In Ethiopia, the spatial distribution of rainfall and temperature varies widely (Regassa et al. WebThis study assessed the historical (19832005) and future (20262100) rainfall, maximum temperature (Tmax), and minimum temperature (Tmin) trends of the Ziway Lake Basin (Ethiopia). The variation in the amount of solar radiation received daily is small throughout the year. Therefore, soil management practice is one of the most important mechanisms for climate change adaptation strategies because crops grown on fertile soils with a deeper soil profile and structure can store extra moisture and enable access to sufficient amounts of water. WebThis page presents Ethiopia's climate context for the current climatology, 1991-2020, derived from observed, historical data. Daily maximumtemperature varies from a high of more than 37oC over the lowlands in northeast and southeast toa low of about 10oC-15oC over the northwestern and southwestern highlands. Therefore, this study was undertaken with the main objectives of spatiotemporal analysis of climatic parameters (rainfall and temperature) and its impact on crop production using various analysis techniques. In administrative terms, it is located in Basona Worena District, in the North Showa zone of Amhara regional state (Figure1), situated 180 km northeast of the capital city, Addis Ababa. **10% level of significant. In the last few decades, incidence of climate change related hazards have manifested in the form of recurrent drought, erosive rain, rainfall variability and flood events (Kenabatho et al. WebThis page presents Ethiopia's climate context for the current climatology, 1991-2020, derived from observed, historical data. Basic climatic parameters such as temperature, rainfall, relative humidity, wind, evapotranspiration, and aridity are considered and their spatial distribution is analyzed. Location, Shape and Size of Ethiopia and the Horn, CHAPTER TWO THE GEOLOGY OF ETHIOPIA AND THE HORN, 2.2. The results of bega rainfall trends revealed a significantly decreasing trend in four out of seven stations. Rainfall and temperature data indicate the long-term change pattern or change in the data for a given temporal and spatial time scale. According to climate models applied by various researchers, it has been found that Ethiopia will see additional warming in all seasons of 0.72.3 C by the 2020s and 1.42.9 C by the 2050s and the timing, concentration, intensity, duration, and volume of rainfall will vary over entire parts of the country (Conway & Schipper 2011; Simane et al. After total observation of the 35-year period, a record 16 years (45.7%) were lower than the total annual rainfall of the area. Latitude,humidity and winds, with varying magnitude have also significant impacts on temperatureconditions in Ethiopia. During these seasons, rainfall is more highly variable than the main rainy season of the area. Likewise, in the last 50 years the rainfall pattern has manifested as highly variable and volatile (Wu et al. Spring (March, April and May)In this season, the noonday sun is shining directly on the equator while shifting north from south.The shift of the ITCZ, results in longer days and more direct solar radiation providing warmerweather for the northern world. This process is repeated for the whole data sequence. Likewise, the magnitude of increasing trends of maximum temperature were observed in all stations with a minimum value of 0.023 C/year in GIN station and a maximum value of 0.21 C/year in ENW station. 2012). 1.1. This cereal crop shows stronger correlation with the kiremit rains. The aim of the study was to examine the spatiotemporal variability and trends of rainfall and temperature in the northeast highlands of Ethiopia. 2010). This will help mitigate their vulnerability to climatic shocks and variability. The data is mostly observed station data supplemented by bias-corrected AgMERRA climate data. All these coping and adaptation mechanisms are important at the local level in order to increase the resilience of communities and ecosystems to the variability and irregularity of climatic shocks (Abramovitz et al. The temperature and rainfall of this category is highly suitable for majority of crops grown in Ethiopia. Sponsored Schools. The spatial distribution of temperature in Ethiopia is primarily determined by altitude andlatitude. (2011), rainfall dependent agriculture, particularly in developing countries, is highly susceptible and vulnerable to increases in temperature and hence the decrease in rainfall adversely affects crop production. Autumn and Spring rainfall regionsThe region comprises areas receiving rain following the influence of southeasterly winds. Livelihoods diversification and employment opportunity: Biological and physical soil and water conservation structures are used to enhance communities' coping abilities and as a way to find alternative solutions to increase their income and protect from environmental shock. Ethiopias daily temperatures are more extreme than its annual averages. Figure5 shows the spatiotemporal distribution of mean annual, minimum and maximum temperatures of the Beressa watershed. However, some parts of thecountry enjoy a temperate climate. If you..Learn More. During thisseason, Ethiopia and the Horn come under the influence of the Equatorial Westerlies (Guineamonsoon) and Easterlies.Hence, the Guinea monsoon and the South easterly winds areresponsible for the rain in this season.ii. During the time sequence, the oscillation of the curve indicates speedy movement. This study analyses spatiotemporal variability and trends in rainfall and temperature in Alwero watershed, western Ethiopia. However, it hasno significant coverage compared to other seasons. The results of correlation analysis between crop production and climatic variables (rainfall and temperature) during the period 19972014 are shown in Table5. In Ethiopia, as in allplaces in the tropics, the air is frost free and changes in solar angles are small making intensesolar radiation. High correlation existed between crops and rainfall, and temperature was found to have a direct impact on the communities, particularly rain-fed dependants. Here are the average temperatures. With the domain expertise in a suite of platforms such as web, software, mobile, IoT, blockchain, augmented and virtual reality, we ensure to deliver innovative services to meet the growing technology demands of our clients. The incidence of negative anomalies occurred during the 1980s and 1990s (14 from 16 years rainfall). Journal of Water and Climate Change 1 December 2019; 10 (4): 799817. WebEthiopias daily temperatures are more extreme than its annual averages. Therefore, there is a need for community-based coping and adaptation strategies such as adopting soil, water conservation and water harvesting strategies; and increasing diversified crops, high value and market oriented crops, fast growing crops and climate resistant crops, which are less susceptible to future climatic variability. Southeastern lowlands of Ethiopia receive rain during autumn and spring seasons when both the northeasterlies and equatorial westerlies are weak. For instance, the mean annual rainfall distribution ranges from > 2000 mm over the southwestern highlands to a minimum of < 300 mm over the southeastern and northwestern lowlands. This is because the temperature and the amount of energy reaching the surface isdirectly related with the directness of the sun.The direction of rain bearing winds (leeward or windward side) also determines the temperaturevariations in mountainous regions. Geological Processes and the Resulting Landforms of Ethiopia and the Horn, 2.5. 2014; Mondal et al. According to Al-Bakri et al. In contrast to the kiremit season, the five years' moving average annual rainfall of the bega season during the period 19802014 was highly variable. In order to determine the variability, heterogeneity and concentration of rainfall in time and space, the PCI was employed. The MK test statistic (Zmk) of the annual rainfall trend analysis is statistically significant in only two out of seven stations (one station at 5% and one at 10% level of significance), and in three stations the annual rainfall showed a decreasing trend while in four stations the trend was increasing. In this regard, the precipitation concentration index (PCI) is a widely used method employed by many scholars across the globe (Oliver 1980; Apaydin et al. Several factors are known to regulate Ethiopia's climate. Therefore, exploring spatial analysis has a significant role in understanding the local as well as the regional climatic pattern (Boyles & Raman 2003). Saving institutions: Promoting the habit of saving can help guarantee that farm communities deal with climate variability; household income per-head determines how far the communities can cope with climatic variability and shocks. Coping strategies are developed from the long experience communities have had in dealing with the variability of weather conditions in different seasons. 2013). Assessing the long-term spatiotemporal rainfall distribution pattern is the most significant component in the climate analysis of a given country, more specifically at the local and regional levels where the effect of climate change is worse. 2012). discuss spatiotemporal distribution of temperature and rainfall in ethiopia happy to be a part of the team synonym 2023 "Moroni's America" - The North For instance, the mean annual rainfall distribution ranges from > 2000 mm over the southwestern highlands to a minimum of < 300 mm over the southeastern and northwestern lowlands. 2014). For this purpose, SST and rainfall data were used to study a wide range of inhomogeneous areas in Ethiopia with uneven distribution of rainfall for both summer (1951–2015) and spring Therefore, saving provides insurance at times of climatic hazard and is used to overcome barriers to adaptation and increase the degree of resilience. Here are the average temperatures. Adaptation strategies are not limited to the current weather conditions (single season rainfall and temperature), rather they extend to the need for communities to adapt to prolonged climatic variability over time (Cooper et al. Additionally, studies of rainfall and temperature variations in larger areas would in general be of little use for local level agricultural production (Gebre et al. Daspal Technology caters unique and robust e-commerce solutions to drive extensive growth.. Are you in search of the best healthcare support services? Therefore, given the prolonged climatic variability of the Beressa watershed, the following coping and adaptation mechanisms are suggested. The significant increasing trend of mean annual temperature (Table4) was found in all stations; with the trend magnitude varying from 0.03 to 0.14 C/year respectively. Generally, as can be seen from Figure3, there has been a high increase in overall temperature, which may result in a decrease in productivity and food insecurity. Water harvesting and integrated water resources management: In order to reduce the vulnerabilities of rural communities that arise from spatiotemporal water shortages and rainfall variability, rainwater harvesting has significant benefits. The percentage changes in maximum temperature were found to be at a minimum (4.00%) and maximum (37.60%) in the GIN and ENW Tesfa Worku, Deepak Khare, S. K. Tripathi; Spatiotemporal trend analysis of rainfall and temperature, and its implications for crop production. All crop production shows considerably high correlation with maximum temperature and stronger correlation with barley, while in the case of minimum temperature, poor correlation was observed for all crops. The temperature and rainfall of this category is highly suitable for majority of crops grown in Ethiopia. When the tropical depression is observed in the SWIO, the daily rainfall is significantly decreased. However, in the belg season during the period 19802014 the five years' average moving annual and seasonal rainfall was considerably variable. According to, In the process of determining the trend magnitude and variability of rainfall and temperature throughout long-term time series, Sen's slope estimators was a widely used method (. 1982; Burn & Elnur 2002; Yue et al. 2014; Kishore et al. WebThis zone has warmer temperature and moderate rainfall. In line with Rashid et al. The most common types of soil are Cambisols (locally called Abolse), Vertisols (Merere), Andosols, Fluvisols and Regosols. The magnitude of increasing trend during the belg season was found to be 0.40 mm/year and 30.00% in DB station and a significantly decreasing trend was found to be 0.12 mm/year and 10.00 in GIN station. The region is divided in to dry and wet summer rainfall regions.Hence, the wet corresponds to the area having rainfall of 1,000 mm or more. Months in summer gainhighest rainfall whereas the winter months receive the reduced amount. As already explained. Basic climatic parameters such as temperature, rainfall, relative humidity, wind, evapotranspiration, and aridity are considered and their spatial distribution is analyzed. The percentage changes in maximum temperature were found to be at a minimum (4.00%) and maximum (37.60%) in the GIN and ENW The periodic pattern of rainfall is manifested by the changing of dry as well as wet years. Starting a new venture? Therefore, increased sensitivity and vulnerability to food shortages and hence malnutrition are related to a prolonged increase in climatic variability. Awareness creation: The communities in the watershed are dependent on the natural climate, therefore the availability of climatic information is a precondition to enable them to mitigate and adapt to the impact of climatic variability. The convergence of Northeast Trade winds and the Equatorial Westerlies forms theITCZ, which is a low-pressure zone.The inter-annual oscillation of the surface position of theITCZ causes a variation in the Wind flow patterns over Ethiopia and the Horn. It is a rainfall region in the southwestern partof the country. Focussed on offering unique business advancement solutions for a number of customers across various industries. The study watershed lies between 39 37E39 32E and 9 40N9 41N. 2014), due to industrialization, anthropogenic emission of different poisonous gases has increased and caused the world's surface temperature to rise by about 1 C. The farming system is characterized by traditional, rainfed, labour-intensive and subsistence-oriented or hand to mouth systems. Mean annual minimum and maximum temperatures increased from 12.69 to 13.32 C and 26.43 to 26.91 C from 1981 to 2010, respectively. It is one of the most widely used non-parametric statistical tests to check the trend of randomness against the detection of trends over time (Mann 1945; Kendall 1975). Likewise, the increase of surface temperature will adversely affect the availability of water resources, distribution, intensity and magnitude of rainfall in the long term (Barnett et al. Geography: Definition, Scope and Themes, 1.2. (2012) found that due to global climate change the eastern part of Africa, including Ethiopia, was drying out. During the belg (small rainy) season the subdivision indicates a slightly increasing rainfall trend and the bega season (dry season) shows a negative trend, as already presented in Figure2. There has been a continuous decrease in the duration and distribution of rainfall during the last 35 years. The Geologic Processes: Endogenic and Exogenic Forces, 2.3. WebThis zone has warmer temperature and moderate rainfall. The elevation ranges from 2,747 to 3,674 m a.s.l. Throughout the year, 1,160 mm (46 in) of rain fall, with a maximum from June to September, which is The intensity and trend of climatic variability of the study watershed during the last decades matches with the country- and global-level conditions; it is a cause for drastic changes in various hydrological parameters (i.e. Because of the rainfall-dependent farming practice, farmers are always worried about the duration and intensity of rainfall. 2011). As shown in Figure2, during the period 19802014 the seasonal rainfall trend of the Beressa watershed for the kiremit season shows less rainfall variability throughout the study periods. For this purpose, SST and rainfall data were used to study a wide range of inhomogeneous areas in Ethiopia with uneven distribution of rainfall for both summer (1951–2015) and spring The present results are in agreement with Parry (2007), who stated that due to a prolonged increase in the emission of gases through human activities and expansion of industry, the surface temperature has increased by about 1 C. Generally, local scale spatiotemporal climatic variability and its implications for crop production in Ethiopia, particularly in the Beressa watershed, is not yet known and remains to be studied. In Ethiopia and elsewhere in the Horn,temperature shows seasonal variations. 2005). Similarly, a significantly upward trend of maximum temperature was observed in all stations varying from 0.023 C/year and 4.00% in GIN station with a maximum value of 0.21 C/year and 37.60% in ENW station. Improving awareness about climatic variability and its adverse implications for their environment enables farmers to modify their resources and management practices and make efficient use of available water for better crop production. Generally, the climate is controlled by the Intertropical Convergence Zone (ITCZ) and has a clear bimodal rainfall pattern: the rainy season is from June to September, and the dry season is from October to April. However, although precipitation variabilities and drought occurrences in Ethiopia are primarily linked to fluctuations in pressure gradient and sea surface temperature (SST), there are variations overtime with regard to the specific locations of ocean surfaces causing weather anomalies in the country. 2005; Batisani & Yarnal 2010; Randell & Gray 2016). Both duration and amount ofrainfall decreases as we move from southwest to north and eastwards. The average rainfallvaries from less than 500 to 1,000 mm.iv. Autumn (September, October and November)Autumnis the season of the year between summer and winter. During this time, thecentral highlands, southeastern highlands and lowlands receives rainfall as the south easterliesbring moist winds. Contribution of Working Group I to the Fifth Assessment Report of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, Center Task Force Report: Games for a New Climate: Experiencing the Complexity of Future Risks, Analysis of rainfall variability and farmers perception towards it in Agrarian Community of Southern Ethiopia, This site uses cookies. Over the 18 years (19972014) in which data was available for crop production, the patterns of seasonal and annual variability including fluctuations in major crop production (barley, wheat, bean, pea, lentil and chickpea) produced in the area reflected similar trends of seasonal, annual rainfall and temperature conditions. WebThe period from March to May, as often happens in Ethiopia, is the warmest of the year, albeit by a few degrees. Information should be used to build a strong understanding of current climate conditions in order to appreciate future climate scenarios and projected change. WebEthiopia. 5.3.2. Some of the studies conducted are based on areal averages of spatial climatic variability (Seleshi & Demaree 1995; Osman & Sauerborn 2001). By continuing to use our website, you are agreeing to, Journal of Water, Sanitation & Hygiene for Development, Time series trend analysis of temperature and rainfall in lake Tana Sub-basin, Ethiopia, Potential impact of climate change on rainfed agriculture of a semi-arid basin in Jordan, Distribution of the serial correlation coefficient, Evaluation of indices for characterizing the distribution and concentration of precipitation: a case for the region of Southeastern Anatolia Project, Turkey, Evaluation of climate change impacts and adaptation measures for rice cultivation in Northeast Thailand, Potential impacts of a warming climate on water availability in snow-dominated regions, Rainfall variability and trends in semi-arid Botswana: implications for climate change adaptation policy, Analysis of climate trends in North Carolina (19491998), Detection of hydrologic trends and variability, Adaptation to climate change in Africa: challenges and opportunities identified from Ethiopia, Estimating the impact of climate change on agriculture in low-income countries: household level evidence from the Nile Basin, Ethiopia, Decadal climatic variability, trends, and future scenarios for the North China Plain, Observed monthly precipitation trends in China 19512002, Climate change 2001: the scientific basis. For instance belg (spring) rain is more constrained by cyclonic activity than kiremit (summer season) rain. In the rainfall distribution during belg and kiremit it was found that there was a moderate concentration of precipitation throughout the seasons, which shows that there is no uniform distribution, whereas during the bega season a significant change in the PCI was shown, thus the concentration of precipitation is increasing and rainfall has become more erratic. The belg (spring) season manifested by a short rainy season covers three months (MarchMay) and the dry season known as bega (winter) runs from October to February. The annual minimum and maximum rainfall is 698.5 and 1083.3 mm, respectively. WebExplicate the spatiotemporal patterns and distribution of temperature and rainfall in Ethiopia, Analyse climate and its implications on biophysical and socioeconomicaspects, Comprehend the causes, consequences andresponse mechanisms of climate change. 2005). The MannKendall test results showed that the annual and seasonal rainfall trend was highly variable. 5.1 The region experiences most of its rain during summer (kiremt), while some placesalso receive spring (Belg) rain. 2010). Also important are promoting high-yield and disease-resistant crops, and having new and higher-bred animals. This study involves the observation of climatic variables, i.e. Throughout the year, 1,160 mm (46 in) of rain fall, with a maximum from June to September, which is The south-easterlies bring rainfall from the IndianOcean. Global warming is a significant global environmental problem in the 21st century. According to Griggs & Noguer (2002), Babel et al. Therefore, appropriate adaptation and mitigation strategies have to be included in the development agenda to reverse the trend. The production of wheat was less than 18 years mean in eight years out of 18 production periods, whereas barley crop production was lower than 18 years mean in nine years out of the total 18 years of kiremit rainfall. It lies between 1500-2,300 meters above sea level. It is the second largest zone covering more than 26% of the landmass of Ethiopia. The percentage change over a period of time can be obtained from Sen's median slope and mean by assuming the linear trend in the long-term series using the following formula: In statistical terms, the moving average is also known as running average, used in order to explore a set of various data by creating an average value of various subsets for a data set. Afar and parts ofEritrean coastal areas experience rainfall in this period. WebThis zone has warmer temperature and moderate rainfall. The mean annual temperature varied between 13 and 15.5 C, and the annual minimum and maximum temperature varied between 5 and 9.5 C, respectively. 2017a, 2017b). Rainfall Regions of EthiopiaBased on rainfall distribution, both in space and time, four rainfall regions can be identifiedin Ethiopia and the Horn. rainfall, temperature and evaporation) which would have a considerable impact on crop productivity, water resources and the overall assets of the community (Worku et al. Experience rainfall in this period the SWIO, the following coping and adaptation are. Vertisols ( Merere ), while some placesalso receive spring ( belg ) rain is more highly.! Scenarios and projected change the Resulting Landforms of Ethiopia the 1980s and 1990s ( 14 from 16 years ). Rain during summer ( kiremt ), Andosols, Fluvisols and Regosols years rainfall ) annual and. On the communities, particularly rain-fed dependants extreme than its annual averages of in. 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