c6 xingqiu energy recharge

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It also creates the maximum amount of Rain Swords, and they remain on your characters for the duration of the Burst, provide a passive damage reduction from all attacks for the duration of the Burst. October 25, 2021 - November 8, 2021 (planned), Chapter 1: Act 4 - Prelude Archon Quest Guide, Interlude Chapter: Act 1 Archon Quest Guide, Interlude Chapter: Act 2 Archon Quest Guide, Interlude Chapter: Act 3 Archon Quest Guide, How to Get the Best Artifact Stats and Substats, How to Get More Acquaint Fate and Intertwined Fate. Yes, I updated that point. Despite Aquila Favonia having a Physical DMG Bonus substat, it still provides a lot for Xingqiu with its high Base ATK and ATK% from passive. Overall very solid choice. This team focuses on increasing the personal DMG of Dendro hits of Kaveh using Spread reaction. The Rain Swords he summons have multiple purposes, and the first is damage reduction. Xingqiu's energy recharge problems can be solved by Sacrificial Sword. Overall a solid choice, albeit a bit inconsistent. Chongyun is Xingqius BFF who infuses Normal Attacks with Cryo, providing easy Frozen Reactions. Xinyan can cleanse, but unreliably, or break shields with her rapidly-hitting Burst otherwise. Mona - Yelan and Xingqiu is a good replacement for Kokomi but you need a healer in other slots in the team. Please link this guide if you use it as a reference for your own content. Sweets Paradise Cafe Collab 2022. The rotation is elemental burst then elemental skill right after, then swap to main dps. There are tree-lined gravel paths along the canal and the perimeter of the site. The Rain Swords have the following properties: When a character takes DMG, the Rain Sword will shatter, reducing the amount of DMG taken. I would strongly suggest watching the full video as it's a lot of information to summarize. Despite it outperforming Emblem of Severed Fate (4) within this niche, it is generally not recommended to specifically farm for this set. - Any Dendro and Hydro healers can replace Kokomi if Nilou is in your team. Mona is useful in this team due to the strong Omen buff on her Elemental Burst. Lack materials in your world? New comments cannot be posted and votes cannot be cast. Switch to Kaveh and use Elemental Skill and Elemental Burst. Copyright COGNOSPHERE. The primary use of Xingqiu's Elemental skill is to use it as Battery for Xingqiu's Elemental Burst. Make sure you vaporize your ult . With ATK% being slightly more valuable than CRIT, Blackcliff Longsword provides less than Royal. This time, both Mondstadt and Liyue themes will be running at the same time. C6 only need 160-170 in overworld, in abyss it's safer to have >190% ER; and yea that's w/o sac sword. This makes his Burst the The orbital period of his Rain Swords is 15 seconds. Zhongli is widely regarded as a comfort option in teams. Its important to note that Xingqius Rain Swords only trigger when a character uses their normal attacks. It keeps itself afloat with its ER substat and high Base ATK. Paired with a Sacrificial Sword, you can deal large amounts of damage with a Sacrificial Sword double E cast. They usually stay off-field until their cooldowns wear off and are quickly swapped in and out, taking up very little field time. At C6 you should use an ATK% sand. Sara has the ability to buff Xingqiu and other teammates, though the buff only lasts 6 seconds which does nothing for Xingqiu, as he does not snapshot his burst. Which Fate Item Should You Trade Primogems For? Both Starglitter weapons need to be used with an Energy Recharge sands and as such lack ATK. Her second Constellation eliminates Xinyans need for CRIT Rate when building only for her Burst damage. This Constellation greatly encourages you to use Xingqius Skill during his Burst due to the massively increased Skill DMG. Either use artifacts to get the E time down or use Noblesse for a damage booster for the others. WebThe period clearly indicate that Xingqiu gets 3 energy every time the sword rain attack hit opponents. Other nukes may be more reliable/deal more damage, Extreme investment and whale-level weapons for teammates are almost needed to make him function. At C1, she also increase Vaporize damage. For Energy Recharge (spamming elemental burst, not recommended for C6 Xingqiu): 2-set Exile: Energy Recharge +20% and 2-set Scholar: Energy Recharge +20% Artefact Stats: Hydro DMG Bonus > Energy Recharge > Crit Rate/Attack > HP > Healing Bonus > Elemental Mastery > Defence Full healer build is also completely viable. Emblem of Severed Fate is the perfect artifact set for Xingqiu. Reliant on maintaining uptime, but also needs good offensive stats. First, Ill take a look at weapons, and recommend artifact sets via weapon choice before going deeper on artifacts. Sadly, she is replaceable by other characters that perform better. The damage reduction scales off of Xingqius Hydro DMG Bonus. However, Xingqiu gets 3 energy for every THREE sword rain attacks. Xingqiu's energy recharge problems can be solved by Sacrificial Sword. Swapping to a character with more desirable Normal/Charged Attack combos and Reaction setups is much more beneficial, All the same benefits as Main DPS Xingqiu except you can use your own DPS to deal damage while all of Xingqius damage is done off-field, Perfectly sets up Reactions for all Elements, Allows Xingqiu to take up a lot less fieldtime, Even easier to team build than Hydro DPS Xingqiu, Some characters cannot perform at full potential without Xingqiu, With a dedicated DPS, he will pass all DPS checkpoints easily, Energy Recharge is still an issue, especially since hes gathering Particles off-field = getting less Energy from Particles that he doesnt directly collect, Cooldown may be de-synced in comparison to your DPS unit, Wants Sacrificial Sword for max potential, Somewhat easier to set up compared to Tartaglia, Uses Skill and not Burst, therefore being somewhat more consistent, Less investment in Talents is required because his Skill takes all priority. Tartaglia). Are you sure Atk% Artifacts better than Crit Dmg% Artifacts ? With Sacrificial Sword at R3+ and Xingqiu at C6, feel free to run ATK sands. Kaeya is no exception. Hes the holder of Noblesse Oblige and offers an enormous Flat ATK buff to his team. recharge theta energy quick mp3 Raiden Shogun decreases the Energy needs of Xingqiu and all other teammates drastically, allowing Xingqiu and others to use more offensive weapons. Since Childe cannot create Reactions with Xingqiu, its important to pair Childe and Xingqiu with characters of other Elements like Pyro or Electro that can fill in during the downtime on Childes melee stance. Yeah this. Overall, Xiangling is an extremely solid unit who improves significantly with Constellations. Being the better of the 2 Starglitter weapons, Royal Longsword places here because of its CRIT Rate stacking ability and ATK% mainstat. All Rights Reserved. Benefits from all of Xingqius Constellations, Abyss value is high and can pass quite a few DPS checks, Hitlag can extend the duration of his Burst well past his cooldown, Building him is rather punishing, and requires a lot of good artifact substats due to his need for many different stats, AoE damage is rather low and needs to be supplemented by supports. Character Related Articles Character Tier Lists Celebrate 8 Years Of Cities: Skylines With Content Creato Atelier Ryza: Ever Darkness & the Secret Hideout Is Getti Every Character's Name in Pokemon Scarlet and Violet Is a Pokemon Scarlet and Violet (SV) Walkthrough Wiki, Resident Evil 4 Remake (RE4) Walkthrough Wiki, Monster Hunter Rise: Sunbreak Walkthrough Wiki, Fire Emblem Heroes (FEH) Walkthrough Wiki, The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild Walkthrough Wiki, Super Smash Bros. Also make sure to do basic attack as much as possible since his 3rd sword rain generate ER. The event was held only in Japan, at 12 stores nationwide. Building Venti for CRIT Rate/Damage is useful except for Electro-Charged Teams. Despite ranking so low, Skyrider Sword performs much better in earlier game when the stat pool is more limited. Because Kaeya is able to apply Cryo often, this makes him a solid choice to use with Xingqiu. Throughout the duration of Raincutter, the DMG dealt by Fatal Rainscreen is increased by a multiplicative 50%. He is usable even without constellation, but he shines best at C6. 4pc Thundersoother is viable for Electro-Charged teams with Xingqiu and Beidou. As a selfish on-field DPS, Razor wants to take full advantage of his 15-second burst, and during that 15 seconds, all types of extra damage are welcome. Its performance is somewhat nullified by its EM substat which is undesirable to Xingqiu. She usually replaces or is replaced by Sucrose on teams. So there are a couple things to understand here. Teapot Traveling Merchant Friends Exchange Forum, Genshin Impact | Nahida Best Build & Weapon, Hogwarts Legacy | All Demiguise Moon Statues, Pokemon SV | Walking Wake - Type, Moveset, & Stats, Pokemon SV | Iron Leaves - Type, Moveset, & Stats. Xingqiu has a diverse pool of weapons that allow him to deal damage, and offer utility to teammates, but which one should you use? Search for people who would like to help in this: Item Exchange Thread. - Xingqiu works well with any melee main DPS since his Skill & Burst produces a surrounding barrier that consistently applies Hydro to nearby enemies. She can only Vaporize 3 hits of her combo, so Xingqiu is best used as a source of off-field damage on her team. Qiqi heals. - Removing Nilou from the team will greatly decrease the damage of this team. Emblem of Severed Fate trades Skill damage for Burst damage, and while Xingqius Skill does a lot of damage, the tradeoff is well worth it provided you have the needed Energy to cast your Burst off cooldown. She deals damage, shields, and provides healing. Our automotive A/C experts can handle a complete range of air conditioning services and we guarantee all our work in writing. P.S. Having him at C6 will optimize him to deal even biggest damage with every use of his Skill and Burst. WebSouth Recharge Facility The South Recharge Facility (9 MGD) is located on the east side of Higley Road between Queen Creek and Ocotillo Roads. Beidous N2 cancel can be used to squeeze the max number of Beidous Stormbreaker and Xingqius Raincutter instances. Never use Elemental Skill and Burst at the same time. Jean offers high switch-in damage and modest crowd-control, shreds Elemental Resistances with 4pc Viridescent Venerer, and heals. Switch to Kuki Shinobu and Use Elemental Skill. Main dps/support/healer (All builds) - should use hydro bonus damage artifact (always always and always). Please be advised that we may not reply to every individual feedbacks. High investment and artifacts and weapons are not very transferable to other playstyles. Note: C6 xingQIU is a MASSIVE boost, not only his ulti deals more damage, it also recovers energy which means u no longer need as much energy recharge on him to have max uptime, those can go to atk% instead. Check out the Inazuma-themed cafe collab, menu and food item, Genshin Impact merchandise, as well as the dates and locations of the collab in this guide! If you have a shielder, this weapon becomes better than Skyward Blade. Switch to Rosaria and use Elemental Skill then Elemental Burst. Xiangling, Xingqiu, and Bennett on a single team have massive damage potential that is only rivaled by Ganyus Melt/Freeze comp dmg. However, Stamina management is important, so it is generally recommended to use N2C (two Normal Attacks followed by a Charged Attack). Xingqius artifact main stat selection is relatively the same as any ordinary DPS. Chongyun and Xingqiu both have amazing synergy and uptime on their respective Elements. A Mondstadt-themed collaboration event between Genshin Impact and Sweets Paradise was held during the entire month of September. Xingqiu is a powerful off-field DPS & a great Hydro applicator making him a flexible character that fit in any team comp. For Energy Recharge (spamming elemental burst, not recommended for C6 Xingqiu): 2-set Exile: Energy Recharge +20% and 2-set Scholar: Energy Recharge +20% Artefact Stats: Hydro DMG Bonus > Energy Recharge > Crit Rate/Attack > HP > Healing Bonus > Elemental Mastery > Defence Full healer build is also completely viable. At constellation 4, use Elemental Burst after Elemental Skill for bigger damage. Your feedbacks will be checked by our staffs and will be attended to accordingly. Xingqiu is a character in Genshin Impact 3.5 that uses Hydro Sword. Avoid using Charged Attacks with Noelle when on the same team with Xingqiu, since Charged Attacks do not trigger Rain Sword waves. Copyright COGNOSPHERE. The Inazuma-themed Cafe for Genshin Impact and Sweets Paradise collaboration event is available in Japan only. Xingqiu is indeed the best support for Chongyun. Mona - Yelan and Xingqiu is a good replacement for Kokomi but you need a healer in other slots in the team. After the initial hit, he summons the maximum amount of Rain Swords (3 at C0, 4 at C1+). Ventis Elemental RES Shred with 4pc Viridescent Venerer is a valuable asset for improving Xingqius off-field damage. Bennett is simply irreplaceable. When a character takes damage, the Rain Sword will shatter, reducing the amount of damage taken. Switch to Nahida and use her Elemental Skill and Elemental Burst. *Offensive, insulting or inappropriate use of forum may lead to ban/restriction. Although a good Constellation, it is generally not as good as C2 or C3, and is slightly lacking in comparison to C4. In order of usefulness, C6>C2>C3>C4>C5>C1. Also make sure to do basic attack as much as possible since his 3rd sword rain generate ER. *Offensive, insulting or inappropriate use of forum may lead to ban/restriction. The cafe collaboration between Genshin Impact and Sweets Paradise is on its rerun! He is usable even without constellation, but he shines best at C6. Xingqiu's Elemental Burst provides continuous Hydro application and coordinated attacks with the active character's Normal Attack. This will give you maximum up time on his Burst. YMMV based on what you're fighting, but I think the assumptions are reasonable. When ordering from the menu, it is recommended that you order a lot of food as the food items included are set with randomized character designs! Sweets Paradise Cafe Collab 2022 (Mondstadt and Liyue) Event Start. Youve probably already invested in him, and he scales very well with high investment. February 28, 2022. Alley Flash is NOT a very good weapon before C6. By clicking Submit you are agreeing to the Terms of Use. This makes his Burst the highest damaging Burst of any Hydro character.It is important to manage Burst uptime with Xingqiu. This is how I have built my bennett and Xingqiu. This can include direct damage buffs to your team, or resistance and defense debuffs to enemies. The cafe collaboration between Genshin Impact and Sweets Paradise is on its rerun! The cafe collaboration between Genshin Impact and Sweets Paradise is on its rerun! Press J to jump to the feed. N2J (two Normal Attacks, cancelling the end of the second animation with a jump) is the third-best option, which requires no stamina and also procs Rain Swords. For Energy Recharge (spamming elemental burst, not recommended for C6 Xingqiu): 2-set Exile: Energy Recharge +20% and 2-set Scholar: Energy Recharge +20%, Artefact Stats: Hydro DMG Bonus > Energy Recharge > Crit Rate/Attack > HP > Healing Bonus > Elemental Mastery > Defence, Full healer build is also completely viable. To c6 xingqiu energy recharge it as Battery for Xingqiu great Hydro applicator making him a flexible character fit. Not as good as C2 or C3, and recommend artifact sets via weapon choice before going deeper artifacts... Your feedbacks will be attended to accordingly Hydro DMG Bonus off and quickly! Substat which is undesirable to Xingqiu is not a very good weapon before.., so Xingqiu is a good Constellation, but unreliably, or resistance and defense debuffs to enemies their. 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