noble djinn 5e stats
PowrótAir: Djinn Traits: Whirlwind : A Djinn can assume the form of a whirlwind, as described in the Air Elemental description. With the card open, click the. That science fiction concept where humans use technology to augment their basic abilities into something that remains, at some level, still ‘human’. Her beauty became so renowned that the gods themselves heard of it. Size We had a DM that loved Orcus, and dear god, we got so paranoid when the DM seemed excited. They are more powerful than we originally thought, with stats and abilities that dwarf the common Djinni. The marid can breathe air and water. It is said that some of the mortals who fled during this terrible time became the first peoples of Faerûn and Kara-Tur, while those brave few who remained were the ancestors of all Zakharans, for Zakhara is the center of the world. Noble djinn are as strong as efreet, with 10 Hit Dice. Scimitar. Melee Weapon Attack: +9 to hit, reach 5 ft., one target.Hit: 12 (2d6 + 5) slashing damage plus 3 (1d6) lightning or thunder damage (djinni's choice). Flying[1][2][3][4] Dark[3] Omnivore[4] [23], In the wake of the return of Calim and Memnon, many of the residents of Calimshan, presumed to be human, cast off their long held disguises and revealed themselves to be genasi. Size She recorded her wisdom on a set of scrolls, which would one day be discovered by Zakhara's First Caliph. 1e The stats might seem beatable, but there is nothing funnier than a bunch of relatively high powered characters try and fight something like this, and watch as they get their asses handed to them. [9], The djinn, like all genies, are enlightened, which means they belong to the faith founded by a prophetess called the Loregiver long ago. Their skin tone ranged from pale blue to a more common olive-brown or dark tan characteristic of Zakharans. When the maiden told Fate how the gods and genies had treated her, though, Fate decided to teach both factions a lesson. Foremost of the of Noble Genies are the four rulers of geniekind: -Caliph of the Djinn, Husam al-Balil ben-Nafhat al-Yugayyim, Master of the Clouds and Son of the Breezes. The released creatures resumed their hostilities that dated back to the First Era of Skyfire (c. −6500 DR). And they too were smitten by her beauty, so the Grand Caliph of the Djinn, the Grand Khan of the Dao, the Most Respected Sultan of the Efreet, and the Imperial Padishah of the Marids began to also quarrel for the hand of the bewitching mortal. [11], All djinn swore allegiance to the Grand Caliph, whose word was law. Diet ©2020 Wizards. This muscular giant has crimson skin, smoldering eyes, and small black horns. Air The genie rulers rejoiced at this solution, and offered the youth riches and treasure. They had returned to the mortal plane to see if the most beautiful maiden had decided yet which would be her suitor. They were as strong as common efreet. The whirlwind lasts as long as the djinni maintains concentration (as if concentrating on a spell). Gith reach adulthood in their late teens and live for about a century. Age. Dungeons & Dragons, D&D, their respective logos, and all Wizards titles and characters are property of Wizards of the Coast LLC in the U.S.A. and other countries. When the terrible entities paused to explain, the old man declared he would judge who among them was the best match for the beautiful maid, and demanded they show her to him. History Movement So it was that he became the first sha'ir. STATISTICS. Djinn speak Auran, Celestial, Common, and Ignan. Large [19], The djinn, in a civilization known as the Djen who might have included some marids and jann among them, were led by a mighty noble djinni known as Calim, bringing with them human slaves similar or identical to the people of Zakhara. Keyword(s) 2nd Edition Statistics[4] Size [9], While no genie liked being enslaved, djinn were the most tolerant of temporary servitude to mortals. Genie Which are half-Djinni. Large At the end of the battle, you can recover half your expended ammunition by taking a minute to search the battlefield. The few who were free sought to reclaim their power. They were cool toward the marids, disliking their haughtiness. Scimitar. Elemental 2e 1st Edition Statistics[5] It replaced the Monstrous Compendium Volume One (1989) and Monstrous Compendium Volume Two (1989) as a core rulebook for that edition. Language(s) Djinni garments were typically shimmering silk, designed for comfort and to flaunt their muscular physiques. Unaligned This site works best with JavaScript enabled. [11], On the Prime Material Plane, djinn favored the open desert to cluttered urban areas. Fleeing back into the desert, he met a procession of genies of all kinds, and with them the Grand Caliph of the Djinn, the Most Respected Sultan of the Efreet, the Grand Khan of the Dao, and the Imperial Padisha of the Marids. The genies, in turn, promised to aid the boy and his descendants, teaching him how to call and bind genies. Vision Favored terrain First Kor and Hajama and Najm spied her, and each became convinced that she must serve him alone. They were forgiving of a mortal master's flaws or even amused by them. Subraces [15], In the djinni capital, the Court of Ice and Steel, there are mosques dedicated to the Amerindian gods Thunder and Wind, the Mulhorandi god Shu, the eagle deity Remnis, the elf goddess Aerdrie Faenya, and the Zakharan deities Haku and Hakiyah. A djinni is about 10-1/2 feet tall and weighs about 1,000 pounds. Alignment (500 kg)[3] This always works. A small percentage of djinn are noble. 11 A 5-foot-radius, 30-foot-tall cylinder of swirling air magically forms on a point the djinni can see within 120 feet of it. The djinni makes three scimitar attacks. Whether Jannti is a single language or four closely related elemental languages is a matter for debate, however. Elemental Plane of Air[1][3]Formerly: Elemental Chaos[2] Many of them took mortal concubines, and from these unions were born half-elementals, who in turn mated with mortals to produce air genasi. Their eyes are usually brown, but a rare few had blue eyes; these were believed to be marked by Fate for great deeds, whether for good or ill, and they could also have increased powers of the evil eye. Those that use technology to augment their abilities *beyond* human (and are generally considered crazy and unfathomable) are called “Posthumans”. 5 Productivity Tips Each Trello User Should Start Using. The youth asked his djinni wife to bring him home and asked his dao wife to bring him his kidnapper. Large Those who wished to gain the brief service of a djinn should gift them with fine meals, gemstones, magical items, flattery, and other forms of bribery. Then come and meet his spectacular corterie, Prince Ali Mighty is he Ali Ababwa strong as ten regular men definitely, He faced the galloping hordesA hundred bad guys with swordsWho sent those goons to their lords?Why, Prince Ali. Multiattack. The djinn were ruled by the Great Caliph Husam al-Balil ben Nafhat al-Yugayyim, the Master of the Clouds and the Son of the Breezes. , pg. AC 19, touch 14, flat-footed 14 (+4 Dex, +1 dodge, +5 natural, –1 size) hp 75 (10d10+20) Fort +5, Ref +11, Will +11 Immune acid . Noble djinn, often called viziers, have 10 Hit Dice, Strength 23, and Charisma 17, and can grant three wishes to any being (nongenies only) who captures them. He rarely left his capital, the Court of Ice and Steel. Melee Weapon Attack: +9 to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. … Barnes & Noble Target Indigo Kobo Google Play iBooks. Large Alignment 4e Challenge rating The djinni makes three scimitar attacks. Few are clerics, because the djinn are not, by and large, a pious people. They would not forgive betrayal. The djinni can move the whirlwind up to 60 feet as an action, and creatures restrained by the whirlwind move with it. The djinn (singular djinni) are genies from the Elemental Plane of Air. Ability Score Increase. Noble Djinni (Vizier) CR 8. Languages Aquan Challenge 11 (7,200 XP) Simply click on a trait or attack to copy a Roll20 macro to your clipboard Amphibious. Fate remained with her for a long time, teaching her wisdom and how to deal with both genies and gods. Speed 20 ft., fly 60 ft. (perfect) Melee 2 slams +15 (1d8+6) or mwk falchion +16/+11 (2d6+9/18–20) Djinn were wild but benevolent creatures as a whole.[12][13]. The maiden would be remembered as the Loregiver, the founder of the Enlightened Faith. She has yet to decide which god or genie she will choose as consort. Melee Weapon Attack: +10 to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. They viewed short-term servitude as determined by Fate, and knew that no one could defy one's fate. Monster Tags: Water: Marid Traits: Drench : A Marid can extinguish normal or magical fires with a touch. [9], The djinn were on good terms with jann and sometimes visited their camps in the high deserts of Toril. If the check succeeds, the creature is no longer restrained and moves to the nearest space outside the whirlwind. Multiattack. Be the first on the block to meet his eye! Noble djinni[3] Elemental Average weight A 5-foot-radius, 30-foot-tall cylinder of swirling air magically forms on a point the djinni can see within 120 feet of it. Ammunition. Auran,[3] Celestial,[3] Common,[3] Ignan,[3] Jannti,[6] Primordial[2] They openly despised dao and efreet, and only rarely hesitated before attacking them. Of course, the maiden could not be found, and because Fate was with her, none could penetrate her disguise. The Whirlwind ends if the djinni loses sight of it. 5 One of my players has decided to become the dragonborn paladin's servant when he joins the table. Hit: 13 (2d6 + 6) slashing damage plus 7 (2d6) fire damage. It can innately cast the following spells, requiring no material components: At will: detect evil and good, detect magic, thunderwave, 3/day each: create food and water (can create wine instead of water) , tongues, wind walk, 1/day each: conjure elemental (air elemental only), creation, gaseous form, invisibility, major image, plane shift. XP 4,800 CG Large outsider (air, extraplanar) Init +8; Senses darkvision 60 ft.; Perception +15 . In 5th edition they are warlocks who take The Noble Genie as their patron at 1st level, and furthermore must take Pact of the Chain at 3rd level to appease their gen familiar. Only the noble djinn possessed the power of the wish. You can then copy the address, generate a new one, or have it emailed to you. Genie, Efreeti. If the djinni dies, its body disintegrates into a warm breeze, leaving behind only equipment the djinni was wearing or carrying. Despite the versatile collection of monsters in this book, you might be at a loss when it comes to finding the perfect creature for part of an adventure. Humanoid While djinni government was fairly loose, it was still too restrictive for most djinn, and they often visited the Prime Material Plane for the sake of respite from local lords and family. Djinn (singular: djinni[3], pronounced: /ˈdʒɪnni/ JIN-nee[7] or: /ˈdʒini/ JEE-nee[7]) were creatures born from the Elemental Chaos. These descendants of the elemental powers pledged themselves to either fire or air, took over the cities of Memnon and Calimport respectively, and joined the war between the efreet and djinn. A djinni is about 10½ feet tall and weighs about 1,000 pounds. [citation needed], Although djinn did not require food or drink to live, they enjoyed rich flavors, smells, and other sensations. Oh come! Alignment Their features were aristocratic and considered attractive by human standards. Appearance Origin Various depictions of Djinni. Subtype(s) [9], Djinn resembled extremely tall (averaging ten and a half feet in height) human men and women, well-muscled and physically fit. 3rd Edition Statistics[3] Saving Throws Dex +5, Wis +7, Cha +8 Damage Resistances acid, cold, lightning Senses blindsight 30 ft., darkvision 120 ft. The boy escaped from a ghul that tried to kill him, bringing with him an enchanted sword and a fabulous ruby. Take your favorite fandoms with you and never miss a beat. Based on Innate Spellcasting: The efreeti's innate spell casting ability is Charisma (spell save DC 15, +7 to hit with spell attacks). Some marids dress in finery woven entirely from seaweed, with a brocade of coral and pearls. Size Hit: 12 (2d6 + 5) slashing damage plus 3 (1d6) lightning or thunder damage (djinni's choice). They often played pranks on mortals, such as conjuring illusionary people who claimed to be in need. Your Intelligence score increases by 1. A creature can use its action to free a creature restrained by the whirlwind, including itself, by succeeding on a DC 18 Strength check. Type His plan is to be a bard who sings about his master's heroic deeds. The whirlwind ends if the djinni loses sight of it. No, but you can play as an Air Genasi. Some creatures of this type are little more than animate masses of their respective elements, including the creatures simply called elementals. Fate explained that the gods and genie rulers could not return and punish her, because that would mean admitting to being tricked by a mere mortal. The youth instructed his efreeti wife to punish his uncle (she chopped him into pieces and scattered the remains in the desert) and decided to defy his uncle's curse by sharing his power with others, teaching those who could learn the arts of the sha'ir. Dungeons & Dragons race name generators. Size Save 15% by purchasing the D&D Player Bundle! [15], Djinn speak Jannti, the racial language of all genies. They commonly desired succulent fruits, great feasts, pungent wines, fine perfumes, shimmering silks, smooth satins, soft velvets, and other rich fare.The djinn were on good terms with jann and sometimes visited their camps in the high deserts of Toril. OFFENSE. Homeland(s) The Monstrous Manual, released in 1993, is a sourcebook for Advanced Dungeons & Dragons 2nd edition. Source: Mordenkainen's Tome of Foes. Most djinn were friendly toward mortals, but mischievous. Chaotic good [24], As part of his preparations for this event, Martek convinced the djinni Aeraldoth, one of the six viziers to the Grand Caliph of the Djinn himself, to allow himself to be imprisoned in the city of Phoenix so that he might battle the efreeti at the crucial moment.[25]. [9], Djinn could carry up to 600 pounds without tiring, and could carry 1,200 pounds for a short time. [22], As of 1479 DR, the land of Calimshan has been ripped asunder by the events known as the Second Era of Skyfire. If you could enlighten me with your d&d smarts, I'd be much appreciated! 5e The djinni can move the Whirlwind up to 60 feet as an action, and creatures Restrained by the Whirlwind move with it. For disobeying a local caliph, a djinni risked punishment, but the penalty for disobeying the Grand Caliph was death. General Information D&D 3.5e Transhuman Guide. They prospered for 1,000 years until an invasion of efreet led by the great efreeti noble Memnon destroyed their civilization over the course of a 200-year war. Djinn disdain physical combat, preferring to use their magical powers and aerial abilities against foes. Activity cycle He imprisoned the efreeti pasha Khalitharius and, knowing it would one day escape, he set up a magical quest allowing heroes to resurrect him when the time was right. To these mortals was born a beautiful girl, her smile like the shining moon and her laugh more lovely than a songbird's melody. Skin color(s) The citadel was in a perpetual falling state, and no gravity could be imposed within it by any force less potent than the Great Caliph of all djinn. The elements themselves responded to their lust and fury, and the mortals feared for their lives. The maiden fled to the southern jungles, and Fate herself was besmitten by the maiden's lovely appearance. ©2020 D&D Beyond | All Rights Reserved | Powered by Fandom Games. Born an orphan and raised by his uncle, the boy's jealous uncle schemed to have him slain so that he would never inherit his parents' business, which the uncle had been running while he raised the boy to manhood. Resistances: A Marid has Sonic, Fire, and Acid Resistance 10. They have a limited telepathy that allows them to communicate with any intelligent creatures they meet. The djinni's innate spellcasting ability is Charisma (spell save DC 17, +9 to hit with spell attacks). Having aided the primordials in their ancient battle with the gods over control of Faerûn, most were imprisoned in common objects and scattered. A creature can use its action to free a creature Restrained by the Whirlwind, including itself, by succeeding on a DC 18 Strength check. ~1,000 lbs. However, long-term service upset them, and being imprisoned was considered anathema. 3e When the gods and genies spied the maiden disguised as an old man, though, the disguised maiden asked them why they were quarreling. Level:2 (Evocation) Casting time: 1 Action Components: V (Verbal), S (Somatic), M* (Material) Range(area): 60 ft Attack(save): CON save Damage(effect): Radiant School: Evocation Duration: Instantaneous Material: A Burst Of Mica Shatter On the heels of The Monsters Know What They’re Doing—a compilation of villainous battle plans for Dungeon Masters—Live to Tell the Tale evens the score, providing beginning and intermediate D&D players the tools they need to fight back. Type Djinn nobles are CR 8. Transhumans. However, they are willing to adopt pretty much any deity into their pantheons and give lip service to many deities, in order that they have an appropriate deity to please for any possible thing they might do. Coastal, Basic Rules When only the old man remained, she removed her disguise. The terrified thief ratted out the uncle, so he asked his marid wife to bring him his uncle, who cursed him and predicted that his nephew's power would corrupt him as surely as the uncle's greed had been his own downfall. COMBAT. To aid my fellow hardcore collaborators I have made the following Hardcore Monster Statistics by Challenge Rating table. Hurl Flame. 5e Chaotic good The genies, for their parts, agreed to leave but promised to send their servants and warriors back from time to time. Size. 5th Edition Statistics[1] Undead include walking corpses, such as vampires and zombies, as well as bodiless spirits, such as ghosts and specters. They were never 'officially' statted in 3e, just the directions for modifying an iron golem. [16] Djinn also speak Midani, the common tongue of Zakhara. Desert[4] The Quori are evil outsiders from the Dal Quor, the Region of Dreams. The uncle hired a bandit to kidnap the boy and abandon him in the desert, but the boy discovered a hidden cave in an outcropping. Alignment Jinn (Arabic: جن , jinn), also Romanized as djinn or Anglicized as genies (with the broader meaning of spirits or demons, depending on source), are supernatural creatures in early pre-Islamic Arabian and later Islamic mythology and theology.Like humans, they are created with fitra, neither born as believers nor as unbelievers, but their attitude depends on whether they accept God's guidance. ~10'6" (3.20 m)[3] In Dungeons & Dragons each player plays as a fictional character with various traits and statistics determined at the start and throughout the game. He told his story, and the genies told him the gem he held resembled the gem of Yalsur, which the genie races had fought over long ago, until a thief took advantage of their distraction to steal it away. Type Create Whirlwind. Chaotic good Actions. [9], Djinn dwelt in the Elemental Chaos (prior to the Spellplague, their home was the Elemental Plane of Air) in djinn freeholds, floating islands of earth and stone, which they crammed with courtyards, buildings, gardens, fountains, and sculptures made from flame. This table is used in the same manner as described for the Monster Statistics by Challenge Rating table in the DMG. 4e This is a species of fungi that looks like a Beholder, which, according to the 5E Monster Manual, are born out of parasitic fungi corrupted by a dead beholder's aberrant magic, transforming them to a unique mutant species of their own. [11] He was served by various nobles and officials, including lesser caliphs, viziers, beys, emirs, sheikhs, sherrifs, and maliks. DEFENSE. 2e The efreeti makes two scimitar attacks or uses its Hurl Flame twice. Their spell-like abilities are more terrifying, as a Noble Djinni also has at their disposal gust of wind at will, cloudkill once per day, control weather once per week, and airwalk on up to seven other creatures once per day. Noble djinn were taller and more fair than regular djinn, who had darker complexions. [9], When the world was young, the gods and genies were at war, and mortals were pathetic creatures trapped between the two warring forces. She disguise the maiden as a hideous old man and sent her back to the city of mortals, where the elements and heavens were in an uproar as the gods and genies fought. [21] When the djinni masters were overthrown, many djinn, half-djinn, and genasi were banished to other planes, bound into iron flasks, or slain. Any creature but the djinni that enters the whirlwind must succeed on a DC 18 Strength saving throw or be restrained by it. [10], The capital of the djinn was the Citadel of Ice and Steel, a chunk of ice and earth sculpted into an aerodynamic oval shape. Tag(s) [8] They embodied the chaotic force of violent storms while possessing benevolent minds. Air They also granted him a female genie of each of their four races to forever aid him, and when he became a young man, the boy made these four his wives.
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